Rogue Seeks Bride by Bianca Blythe EPUB & PDF

Rogue Seeks Bride by Bianca Blythe EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Bianca Blythe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The blacksmith cleared his throat and gave Leo Arundel, recently jilted
groom, an awkward glance. “Perhaps you should step aside.”
“O-Of course.” Leo stepped back rapidly and collided into something
metallic that landed on the floor with a mighty clang.

The blacksmith frowned and stooped to pick it up.
“You are well?” Caspian Arundel, Duke of Concord, and until now
Leo’s favorite cousin and friend, asked.
“Naturally. I’m—er—happy for you. And—er—Miranda.” Leo flashed
his customary smile, but his lips hurt, as if protesting the sudden upward
swing, and Caspian’s and Miranda’s eyes rounded.

It wasn’t as if a man received training on becoming jilted. That wasn’t
the sort of outcome one expected midway through his wedding. For the
second time.
Somehow, Leo’s cousin—who had never expressed interest in marriage
before—had stopped Leo’s Gretna Green elopement to Miranda West and
was now busy marrying her himself.
Right in front of Leo.

Leo shifted his legs and tugged at his cravat. The room seemed to surge
in heat, and he glanced at the blacksmith’s equipment. The fire was not lit,
and no amber glowed in the hearth.

In the next moment, Caspian’s mother squealed, and Leo looked over to
see Caspian and his new duchess kissing. A hoot sounded from the open
door where other couples queued to marry. Then Caspian took his bride’s
hand in his and strolled from the door as everyone applauded.
Leo’s insides careened and collided, and he rushed to the door. Was his
driver here yet? Did he have time?
Horse trotting sounded, and Leo swallowed hard as his carriage

The words Just Married were painted on a sign hanging from the back
of the carriage, and scarlet ribbons encircled greenery. Tin cans dangled
from the back of the carriage, clanging as the driver approached.
People applauded, others pointed, and Leo pasted his best smile on his

His driver’s beam was wide enough for all of them. In fact, Leo had the
horrible sensation Geoffrey was singing. Though generally Leo was not
disinclined toward music, he would rather it not be emitted by his driver
who was sitting on his very decorated carriage.

Decorating the carriage for when Leo and his new bride rode to Leo’s
estate had seemed like a good idea. A romantic idea. The sort of idea a
woman might appreciate when she’d tied herself to him.
And helped him beyond measure.

Leo swallowed hard. Miss West was now the Duchess of Concord.
There was nothing she could do to help him, even if she desired.
“How lovely,” a blond woman said, pointing at the carriage. “So

“Did you arrange this, Caspian?” Miranda asked softly.
Caspian shook his head, his eyes wide. “That’s my cousin’s carriage.”
“Oh.” Miranda blinked. “You did this for me, Mr. Arundel?”
Leo’s smile didn’t falter, but for some reason that only seemed to make
Caspian and his bride appear more sorrowful.

“I am awfully sorry,” Caspian said.
“As am I,” Miranda said hastily. “That was kind of you. It would have
been a pleasant surprise.”

Leo jerked his head into a nod.
The driver stopped before them. “Congratulations to the happy couple!”
Leo shook his head as discreetly as he could, but the driver continued to

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