Risky Play (PHILADELPHIA BULLDOGS #7) by Danica Flynn EPUB & PDF

Risky Play (PHILADELPHIA BULLDOGS #7) by Danica Flynn EPUB & PDF

Risky Play (PHILADELPHIA BULLDOGS #7) by Danica Flynn EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Danica Flynn
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Have you told your brother yet?” Dinah, my soon-to-be sister-inlaw, asked as she fixed her veil and touched up her makeup.
She asked me to kick her mother out of the room three minutes ago
because she was about to explode. Dinah, not her mother. This wedding was
supposed to be super low-key, but with my brother being a hockey player
and Dinah coming from a large Italian family, it had morphed into a huge

I handed her the flask again, and she took a generous swig. I didn’t care
if she was drunk at the altar; all my big brother asked of me was to make
sure his bride didn’t have a meltdown. Even though it was totally his fault
since he insisted this wedding be perfect.
“Mads?” Dinah asked again.

I sighed. “No.”
“You should have told us you were transferring to Franklin!” she
exclaimed. “We would have let you come live with us instead of having to
deal with the dorms.”

I shrugged. “I wanted the American Ivy League experience.”
I also didn’t want to be under the constant scrutiny of my overprotective
older brother, but I didn’t tell Dinah that. I couldn’t bear to tell her the real
reason I transferred to Franklin. When Noah found out about my move,
he’d do everything in his power to make me move in with him.
Dinah’s bestie and her matron of honor, Fi, flipped her gorgeous red
hair over her shoulder. “You’re going to Franklin?”
I nodded.

“My friend Katie’s a professor there. English.”
“Katherine Fitzgerald?” I asked.
Fi thought for a moment. “Yeah. She used to be at UPENN, but she
likes Franklin better.”

“I think I have her for one of my communications classes,” I said and
wracked my brain for confirmation.
“You’ll love her,” Fi reassured me and squeezed my arm.
“Are you nervous about transferring?” Dinah asked.
“A little, but at least my brother’s here, so it’s not a completely foreign

They both laughed, and then Roxanne Desjardins came rushing back
into the room and looked annoyed. “Okay, D, I get it now. Your mom asked
me when Benny and I are getting married.”
“Did you tell her the fifth of never?” Dinah joked.
“Of course!” the tall, curvy woman answered with a laugh.

“Okay, D, are you ready?” Fi asked.
“I’m nervous,” she admitted and took the flask from me again. She took
a large gulp that made Rox cheer her on. Rox could hold her liquor like no
woman I’d ever seen. It made me want to be her when I grew up.
“D, it’s gonna be fine,” Fi told her gently.

“You love my brother, right?” I asked.
My brother never gave me the whole spiel, but I knew it was a bit of a
challenge when he and his next-door neighbor finally got together. Dinah
had been married before, but her husband died, so I think she had some
hang-ups about it and the fact that she was eight years older than him. Even
though nobody gave a shit about that. My mom was five years older than
my dad, and it had never affected their relationship.

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