Rising from the Ashes by Monique Shepherd EPUB & PDF

Rising from the Ashes (REBIRTH AND RESURRECTION #1) by Monique Shepherd EPUB & PDF

Rising from the Ashes (REBIRTH AND RESURRECTION #1) by Monique Shepherd EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Monique Shepherd
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

My phone begins vibrating as the initiation concludes. Pulling it from my
pocket, I notice an alert from Tavish, our tech and security guy. I
normally don’t outsource my intel gathering to someone else, but I have
learned to abide by the rules of this new Society if I want to keep my head on
my shoulders. And I need an edge on starting my plan once Everly approves

T: 2452 Crest Hallow. Meeting at 20:00.
Smiling to myself, I tuck the device back into my pocket. There’s still one
more loose end I need to tie up before this reunion tonight at my father’s
newest acquired estate.

Walking out of the ceremony, I catch a glimpse of Hercules walking a few
steps ahead of me. My skin is itching for either a good fuck or a good kill,
both of which my pussy tells me he could help me with. The way his clothes
cling to his muscles makes my clit throb.

Down, girl. He’s huge. His dick alone would probably kill you.
Deciding I don’t give a damn because I need him for my next plan, I yell
after him, but he blatantly ignores me.

Oh, he’s going to learn today. Calista doesn’t get ignored.
“So you’re just a grumpypuss all around, eh?” I wink as I catch up to him,
our steps falling in tune with each other.

He rolls his eyes.
Well, at least I got a response this time.
Nudging him with my elbow, “Come on dude, loosen the fuck up.”
Either my words or my touch cause him to snap, because within seconds
his hand is wrapped around my throat, slamming me against the wall,
catching me by surprise.

Oh, hey Tiger.
Grinning at him, he mumbles an expletive I can’t quite make out and lets
me go.

Pushing my disappointment to the side, I trail my black nails up his corded
arms, “Aw, come on, we were just getting to the good part.”
He looks even more annoyed, so I laugh and continue to egg him on.
Slapping his arm, I giggle again, “You’ve got some serious issues. I like it.

Turning on my heels, I saunter down the hall, swinging my hips, secretly
hoping Hercules follows suit.
When I hear his footsteps approaching behind me, I smile to myself. He
catches up to me, “So, where are we going?”

I wink at him, “To do the only thing that will help that look in your eye.”
The confusion that crawls across his face makes me smile.
“It’s killin’ time, baby.” I grin, as I whip my hair over my shoulder. “No
questions, just follow me.”

We exit headquarters into the humid summer air. Following behind him as
we approach his car, I wink at Hercules one more time before I slide into the
passenger seat. He just rolls his eyes again.
Oh, he’s going to be fun to annoy. I may actually get myself killed.

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