Rising from Flames and Starlight by Ava Thorne EPUB & PDF

Rising from Flames and Starlight (SONGS OF ADIMOS #2) by Ava Thorne EPUB & PDF

Rising from Flames and Starlight (SONGS OF ADIMOS #2) by Ava Thorne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ava Thorne
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7 MB
  • Price: Free

9 months ago
The mist I conjured had worked beautifully, not that we really needed the
advantage against Niata. They had been caught completely unaware.
The Long Peace made them compliant—Fools. But perhaps it was a
blessing. It would allow us to hit their primary defenses with minimal

I shouted at Commander Avlyn, but it was unnecessary. Avlyn had been
running the army for decades while I sat on the throne and strategized. I
trusted them implicitly.

The last of the troops departed the boat, and I followed. I stepped off the
gangplank to the rocky shore, and it was as if the world had tilted on its
axis, the sky becoming the sea. The moment I touched the land of the Pearl
Kingdom, a substantial force wrapped itself around my heart, around my
very soul. I could feel it sinking through me, like a golden tidal wave that
removed everything that I was and replaced it with something else.
Someone else. Her.

I saw her in flashes. A hand gripping the cliffs around the beach, pulling
herself up. A scroll full of scribbles and doodles, a tutor looking on in
disappointment. A pair of swords dancing against an opponent who was
quickly disarmed. Human children ran around her skirts as a soft laugh
echoed from her lips.

I clutched my chest and fell to my knees. My breath caught, and I
coughed, trying to force air into my lungs. “Abraxas, what’s wrong?” Avlyn
ran to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I let them help me up before
pushing them off.

“Nothing. I need you to lead the army today.”
Their face still held concern, but they rolled their eyes. “Wasn’t that
already the plan?”
“Yes, but I will rejoin you later.” Their face showed confusion, but they
nodded and returned to the front of the ranks.

I didn’t know where I was going, but my body did. It was as if she were
a siren luring me in. I ran to her. My mind kept showing me more images.
Younglings running through the rainforest, chasing after each other with
sticks. She sneaked through the kitchens at night, gathering up sweet rolls.
A book opened before her, illuminated by the moon through a window.

I passed through the main gates of the castle complex, which weren’t
even closed before my troops blew through them. I turned my back to a
secluded alcove to get my bearings, but my mind had caught up with me.

This can’t be happening.
Centuries ago, I had given up the hope that I could have a mate. There
were no dragons left; I would have felt them. No clutches of eggs were
hidden anywhere, and even if there had been, no one was left to care for
them. Any that would have been hidden away would have perished by now.
And certainly, my mind wasn’t showing me images of a dragon but of what
appeared to be a fae female.

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