Rise of the Lycanthrope by Brock Walker EPUB & PDF

Rise of the Lycanthrope by Brock Walker EPUB & PDF

Rise of the Lycanthrope by Brock Walker EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:Brock Walker
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Cyberpunk Science Fiction 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Joss stared down at the corpse. The body was that of an elderly woman
who’d died from a stroke somewhere in the state of Kansas. She currently
had several pins piercing her organs and tissue. Most of her skin had been
removed, as well as many of her organs. Shiny muscles covered in oily fat
stood out on her arms and the sides of her remaining ribs. A rusty pin, with
a small yellow ball at its top, jutted out below the ribs, impaling a paper that
read: Number 39.

Joss focused her eyes. She loved the challenge tests posed. She’d
prepared and would conquer this as she had many others before. The pin
was piercing the liver, and more specifically, the gallbladder. The small
outpouching of tissue with the hue of spinach made it obvious. Basically, it
was a “gimme” question. She wrote down her answer, thankful for that little
bit of a break. Her professor was not known for making anatomy tests easy.
She rolled her shoulders; a small cramp was forming in her neck…but
the test was almost over. She felt confident with her answers, but took the
extra moment to double-check and make sure everything was spelled
correctly. So far, she felt like she’d known each one.

Glancing up, she searched the lab room for Mike. He was doing the
same, idly scanning the room, done with his question. He ran his fingers
through his hair, then adjusted it back after making sure no one was
looking. Typical. Still, his dark brown strands would have made an eighties
TV star jealous with its perfect, unkempt style.

He looked confident. That was good.
They’d studied for hours, and she hoped it would pay off as well for
him as it had for her. He gave a secretive thumbs-up and his usual quirky
grin while Professor Wheldon’s back was turned. The smoothness of his
hand signal was interrupted by a flinch when the buzzer blared out,
signaling everyone to walk to the next pinned question.

An awkward shuffle ensued as everyone moved, attempting to stay far
enough apart that the teacher didn’t think they were cheating, but also
wanting to look at the next pinned structure quickly, in case it was difficult
to identify.

As she moved to her new position, she couldn’t help but notice Brandon
slouching nearby, clearly trying to look at Jessica’s paper. When would she
realize the guy was a joke and not boyfriend material? Heat flooded Joss’s
cheeks at the ease with which Brandon cheated off his current girlfriend.
He’d tried the same thing when they were dating. His dad was one of the
deans of the university, so he probably considered himself safe.

Shaking her head and trying to get her thoughts off of slapping her exboyfriend again, Joss looked to the next body on display. A different lab
group had dissected this one, so she had no knowledge about the person
before her. The pin was jabbed in the individual’s forearm.

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