Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon EPUB & PDF

Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon EPUB & PDF

Right Where We Left Us by Jen Devon EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jen Devon
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.5 MB
  • Price: Free

Dr. Temperance Madigan had slept for only four of the past twenty-eight
hours, kept on her feet by stubborn resistance to the limits of human
biology and a truly indecent amount of hospital break-room coffee. Even on
a normal day, sleep was low on her list of priorities. But today wasn’t a
normal day. Today, she was an accomplice to a marriage proposal between
two of the people she loved most in the world.

The Brady property was on one of the high points in Vesper Valley, up a
gravel lane on a ridge barely wide enough for two cars in either direction.
Through the patchwork of trees out her driver’s-side window, the midday
sun was a smoky gold shimmer on the lake nestled in the crook of the vale.
At the top of the drive, a tall wrought-iron gate sat rusted permanently open,
more of a trellis for morning glory and honeysuckle than a barrier to entry.

Passing from the shade of the tree-lined lane onto the main drive of the
Brady land always felt a little like emerging into a new world. Temperance
had to squint against the flood of sunlight. Under a May-blue sky, rolling
lawns of soft grass and clover spread up and away, marked with mow lines
as tidy as green corduroy.

The Brady home sat at the center, a medley of architectural styles that
reflected its century of different inhabitants. It should have looked strange,
with its brick to the west and the stone face to the east, its different-shaped
windows and mismatched shingles on the roof of each wing. The composite
of varied but equally interesting parts only added to its charm. Like the
Brady family itself.

The place was usually alive with activity—a far-off hum of lawn
equipment, music through open windows and screen doors. Rowan zipping
around in her little utility vehicle or a tractor, and her vineyard crew
buzzing like bees in and out of the trellised grapes. Now, it was
preternaturally silent. Like the land itself had taken a big breath and held it.

At Harry’s request, Temperance drove the gravel access road along the
eastern perimeter of the property to avoid being seen from the vineyards or
the house. The bumpy road took her past the massive stone bank barn,
around the pool and pool house that seemed to be a perpetual source of
plumbing problems, and up to where the old Victorian greenhouse sat on
the highest point of the land like the center jewel in a crown. Temperance
pulled around to the grassy clearing behind the greenhouse and parked her
car next to the only other vehicle there. A hulking black pickup with its
windows all the way down. Aviator sunglasses hooked over the rearview

Duncan was here.
Temperance’s belly gave a little thump.
A faded pink bandage was still stuck to a shallow dent on the rear
bumper. Temperance had been there that day, when one of the Brady kids
let their bike fall too close to the truck.

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