Riding With the Panther (DEVIL’S PACK MC) by Andie Fenichel EPUB & PDF

Riding With the Panther (DEVIL’S PACK MC) by Andie Fenichel EPUB & PDF

Riding With the Panther (DEVIL’S PACK MC) by Andie Fenichel EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Andie Fenichel
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.5 MB
  • Price: Free

The motorcycles have gone quiet for the night. I love it when they roll
past the small house I’m renting in Broken Arrow. Now that the
weather is better, I sit on the front porch and listen and watch. Most
nights, a few club members ride through town. Tonight, there were six of
them and since they’ve grown used to me, they wave as they pass. It’s a
small town and not unusual.

I’m used to small-town life. I like that when you go into the grocery
store, the clerk knows your name. I didn’t even mind the curious looks from
everyone when I first arrived. It’s all part of protecting your own. After six
months, everyone knows me and I feel safe.

Still, watching the quiet street long after the motors go silent, my heart
speeds up as I wait. I have no business looking for him. He’s not mine, and
he’s new in town. I should be wary, keep my head down, and stick to
working to improve my art business. If I was smart, that’s exactly what I’d

One moment the street is empty and the next he’s there. Jorge Panteras
walks through the streets of town every night. He’s sleek and stealthy. His
nearly black hair lies past his ears and he brushes it back with strong
fingers. I’ve seen him in the daylight at the diner where he works as a cook.
I make an excuse almost every day to go in there just to get a glimpse of

He’s so fucking beautiful. I shouldn’t look, but how can I not?
At this point, I should know that looks can be deceiving. Peter was
good-looking and that didn’t turn out well. In fact, that failed mess is the
reason I left my hometown and started fresh here. It’s one thing to have a
bad breakup when you live in a big city or bustling suburb. No one notices
outside your immediate group of friends. When you have a messy breakup
in a small town, everyone knows all the dirty details and they never forget. I
couldn’t take it anymore, so I moved. Maybe it would have been braver to
stay and wait another year, but one was enough.

So why am I watching Jorge’s long legs in tight black jeans as he walks
closer to my house? I don’t know, but I can’t look away. He’s made his way
down my street every night for the past two weeks. He’s always alone and
he never looks at me, though I suspect he knows I’m here.

I draw a deep breath. My sensible side is screaming to shut up. My body
is calling out for something entirely different. “Hello.”

He stops and faces me. Even with the lawn and sidewalk between us, I
can see the glow of his eyes. They’re a greenish-gold color that captivates
me. He cocks his head. “Miss Whittaker.”

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