Rhage by R.K. Pierce EPUB & PDF

Rhage by R.K. Pierce EPUB & PDF

Rhage by R.K. Pierce EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: R.K. Pierce
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

I’ve always considered myself open-minded, but I never thought I would
want to fuck a man in a skeleton mask with sharp teeth and horns. Until
now. Seeing Sebastian Alex stroll across the screen in Rhage’s latest
music video changed everything, and now it’s all I can think about.

Something about the well-tailored burgundy suit that hugs his tall, muscular
frame, coupled with the fleshless face ripped straight from a nightmare,
wakes something primal and desperate in me. He’s a dapper demon daddy,
and even though he has no idea who I am—and probably never will—I would
do anything for the opportunity to meet him.
Fight for it, steal for it.

Hell, maybe even sell my soul for it.
I want to meet him so bad it hurts, the need suffocating me until it’s hard to
It might be a little over-dramatic, but I’m entitled to have at least one extreme
celebrity crush at twenty-four years old. Sebastian Alex isn’t really a
celebrity though. He’s more of a god, and I plan on worshiping every inch of
his delectable body if I ever get the chance.

That’s why I’m entering the Rhage mask-making contest for a backstage pass
to their concert, and why I’m currenting hauling ass to the nearest craft store.
Rhage is an up-and-coming band with an enormous cult following. They
haven’t made it to mainstream music, but they’re well on their way, and
considering they just booked a huge cross-country tour, I know it’s only a
matter of time before their most popular songs start bleeding into radio
stations. They have a unique sound—a mix of symphonic metal mixed with
underground grunge music—and an even more unique look: monsters
dressed as businessmen, or vice versa.

If I’m lucky, my mask will earn me a meet and greet with all five of the band
members, and one of them will don my creation for the rest of their tour. I
know how slim my chances are as I speed into the parking lot of Caren’s
Crafts and whip into an empty spot in the middle of the busy lot, but I don’t
care. I’m laser-focused, my sights set on one thing and one thing alone:
getting the shit I need to make this mask.
I’m so focused, in fact, that I nearly faceplant when I rush out of the car and
leave my best friend in the dust.
“Don’t worry about me, Niki,” she yells after me, her tone heavy with
sarcasm. “I’ll catch up.”

Gritting my teeth, I slow my steps to an agonizing crawl, and look back over
my shoulder to see her closing the distance. Blue and purple strands of hair
dance around my face, glinting when they catch the warm August sunlight,
and I brush them out of the way with a huff. She isn’t nearly as excited as I
am—Rhage isn’t her kind of music—and she clearly doesn’t share my

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