Revenge in the Rogue’s Hideaway by Deb Marlowe EPUB & PDF

Revenge in the Rogue’s Hideaway by Deb Marlowe EPUB & PDF

Revenge in the Rogue’s Hideaway by Deb Marlowe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Deb Marlowe
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Historical Mysteries
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Miss KARA LEVETT turned the last screw on her specially shaped gear.
Carefully, she connected the rod for this last leg to the stylus that would
provide the motion. Holding her breath, she started the clockwork motor.
The cams began to turn. The stylus began to move, driving the rods.
The open channels she’d drilled into the gear allowed for the correct
movements. Yes. Everything fell into place, and the clockwork legs began
to take on the sequence of a horse’s gallop. Left hind foot. Right hind. Left
front. Right front. Suspension. She sighed in relief.

“It worked, then?”
She grinned at Harold, who sat at the other end of the table with a less
complicated mechanism before him. The boy’s blond hair shone in the
bright light of the laboratory, but it was not quite as luminous as his happy
smile. “It did. I think I have the timing done right, at last.”

“I knew you would.”
Her heart twisted a little. The boy, rapidly turning into a young man,
had been a street urchin last year, when she’d met him during the Great
Exhibition. He’d witnessed a murder in a courtyard outside the Crystal
Palace and was instrumental in helping her to prove that she had not been
the culprit. With the benefits of shelter, food, and care, he’d grown several
inches since then. He’d also made a heroic effort to learn to speak without
his street cadence and habits.

“You see so many horses in a day’s time,” he pondered. “Who woulda
thought their gait could be so complicated, it would force you to split your
project in two?”

Kara grinned at his careful pronunciation of the letter H. “The client’s
original vision was lovely, but the clockwork needed to re-create all the
different gaits of a horse would prove to be too bulky for a good, realistic
design.” She smiled back. “In any case, crafting both the racehorse and the
clock gives you a chance to learn some basics.”
“Aye, and I think I got this to rights.” He gestured toward the small,
roughly human-shaped clockwork figure before him.

“Let’s see.”
Harold checked a fitting, then reached below to turn a larger gear. The
little figure lifted its arm as the tiny metal hand rotated to face upward.
“Well done, indeed.”

The boy beamed. She’d first found him a place with her friend Maisie
and her son, who ran a bake shop. Harold had been happy there, and
enjoyed helping in the shop as well as carrying baskets of baked goods into
the streets to sell. But the addition of Maisie’s new man had rendered the
household a bit crowded.

Kara had seized the opportunity to offer the boy a
room here at her estate in Bluefield Park—along with an opportunity to do
some apprentice work in her laboratory. Harold had eagerly accepted—after
bargaining for some lessons from her betrothed, Mr. Niall Kier, as well.
“Now that this is sorted, may I go to the forge?” Harold stood. “I’m to
learn how to put a fuller into a blade next.”

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