Released by Rosa Lee EPUB & PDF

Released by Rosa Lee EPUB & PDF

Released by Rosa Lee EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Rosa Lee
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Erotic Literature & Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Enjoy your honeymoon.”
A pained moan escapes my dry, cracked lips as I stir, my whole
body feeling like it’s been hit by a double-decker bus. The dull ache in my
head turns into a sharp stab, sending another deep, pain-filled groan echoing
around me.

Blinking gritty eyes open, a screaming wave of panic rushes in when all
I see is darkness. My heart thumps in my chest when I close and open my
lids again, but I’m still surrounded by the endless black of my nightmares.
“H–hello?” I croak out, my voice a broken thing, rasping among the
shadows. Clearing my throat and winching at the dryness, I try again. “I–is
anyone there?”

My breathing stutters as I’m met by silence, a full body shiver skittering
over me at the cold that surrounds my body. Pushing up onto my elbows, I
have to pause as my head swims and throbs all at the same time. Bile burns
the back of my already sore throat, but I manage to breathe through it,
waiting for the nauseating dizziness to subside. Clenching my hands into
the soft bed underneath me, I focus on the cool linen sheets until I can sit up
fully with only a slight waver.

Pausing once again, I’m able to concentrate a little more and see that the
room is not as pitch black as I first thought. Soft moonlight filters through
the cracks of what looks like wooden shutters across the room. There must
be a window over there. The hair on the back of my neck lifts at the eerie
sight of undefined shapes around the room, the lighting casting everything
in a sickly yellow glow.

Gingerly turning my still pulsing head, I can see the dark outlines of
various bits of furniture; a large wardrobe and a dressing table with a mirror
that reflects a ghostly image of a pale, frightened girl back at me. I quickly
move on from the sight to see that I’m in a lavish, chunky wood, four-poster
bed with heavy drapes.

A sudden kick in my lower abdomen causes my hand to fly over my
bump, a whooshing breath of relief rushing out of me when I feel another
movement. I’ve no idea what has happened to me, but the thought that
something may have harmed my unborn child brings forth a wave of anger
so fierce that spots blur my vision and I have to go back to breathing deeply
to calm down.

Taking one final inhale, I steel my spine and slowly shift across the
linen, the whisper of the fabric against my bare thighs a comforting noise in
the silence.

Wait! Shit, I should be in my wedding dress…shouldn’t I?
Panic flares hotly inside me again, my pulse racing as I vaguely
remember that I was wearing my wedding dress before…before everything
went dark. Looking down, I touch the silk nightdress that kisses my thighs
and furrows my brows as I try in vain to remember when I got changed. My
hand clenches into a fist, wrinkling the fabric as useless tears fill my eyes,
the memory eluding me.

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