Reign of Blood by Quinn Loftis EPUB & PDF

Reign of Blood by Quinn Loftis EPUB & PDF

Reign of Blood by Quinn Loftis EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Quinn Loftis
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

“In what world did we ever think that supernaturals could live hidden
among humans forever? Okay, this world. It was this actual freaking
world. But apparently we were delusional. Reality has come knocking on
our door and is asking for our rose-colored glasses back.” ~Jen

Over my dead and decaying body, Jennifer.” Decebel’s eyes glowed
a dangerous amber as he stared at her from across the room. For
the past hour, she’d been trying to convince him to pull his
stubborn, overprotective head out of his too-fine butt and see reason. It
wasn’t working. Books, shoes, and baby toys lay haphazardly about the room
where she’d thrown them during her more persuasive moments. Because they
were currently guests in the sprite realm stronghold, she’d refrained from
breaking anything valuable.

“That can be arranged, mate,”—she growled—“though it would be a
shame to let such a magnificent specimen of the male physical form decay.
I’d rather preserve you in some sort of cryo-chamber for the rest of all
female-kind to enjoy.” She smirked at his irritated glower. Apparently he
didn’t find her nearly as amusing as she found herself. Still, Jen pressed on.
“All the other women can eat their hearts out because I had you, and they did

Decebel clenched his teeth, tipped up his chin, and crossed his arms in
front of his impressive chest. “Too bad you wouldn’t get the chance. You’d
be in the afterlife with me, mate. And I would be comforted to know that you
would no longer be able to put yourself in harm’s way.”

Jen bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood. She had to remind herself
that she loved the massive fur butt in front of her, and he was not the enemy.
She’d like to think that she’d grown and matured in their relationship over the
years, but at the moment, Jen was feeling as mature as her two-year-old
daughter. In other words, she was on the verge of a full-on tantrum of epic
proportions. “You do realize that your reasoning is flawed, right?” She lifted
an eyebrow at him. “As long as you put yourself in danger, I’m in danger,
too. Because as you just pointed out, if you die, I die.”
“There are worse things than death, mate,” he snapped. Jen didn’t miss
the fact that his teeth were no longer that of a human’s. His wolf was well
and truly pissed.

She whirled around, unable to look at him for fear she might resume
throwing things. Despite the evidence surrounding them to the contrary, it
was a habit she was trying to break. Jen took several deep breaths and
considered all the things she could say to get her male to understand that she
couldn’t just sit here and wait for him to come back to her. How many times
had they argued over this very topic? And how long would it take him to
realize that she would never be that woman? Jen couldn’t stand on the
sidelines while Decebel and others in their pack put themselves in the line of
fire. And no, she didn’t think it was weak for their females to stay back and
guard their home or children. She would never belittle her own sex that way.

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