Reign of a Billionaire by Eva Winners EPUB & PDF

Reign of a Billionaire by Eva Winners EPUB & PDF

Reign of a Billionaire by Eva Winners EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Eva Winners
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Billionaires & Millionaires Romance eBooks
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.8 MB
  • Price: Free


Eight Years Later
When Ivan Petrov and Sofia Volkov made a ghost out of me, they
never thought I’d be back to destroy them like a vengeful king. I
reigned over my empire while lingering in the shadows and used
what I’d learned to go after them—those who stole my innocence and the
girl who was my guiding light.

But they’d underestimated how far my hatred could go.
I’d become a shadow, almost erased from this world. I’d stalked and
planned for years, revenge the only oxygen I breathed and killing the only
nourishment I needed. A bleak reality of life without Louisa.
But then I’d seen her—Liana Volkov, alive and breathing, working
alongside her mother, strutting along as Sofia’s sidekick as though nothing
was amiss. The twin sister we waited for the night we were all supposed to
escape the clutches of Sofia Volkov. Years went by without a word about
Liana, and I assumed she died too.

I’d been fooled. Louisa was buried six feet under in an unmarked grave
while Liana walked this earth. An invisible knife speared my chest, blaming
Liana for her twin’s death. She was the reason we waited too long before
running. She was the reason we got caught. Maybe I should let the
underworld catch up to her, because it didn’t take long for the Thorns of
Omertà to learn Sofia Volkov had a living, breathing daughter.

The invisible wound opened right up at the sight of the woman who
wore Louisa’s face, leaving me gaping and bleeding. Shrill ringing filled
my brain as I glared at the familiar face, every single muscle in my body
immobile. Same face; wrong face. Same smile; wrong smile. Same hands;
wrong hands.

The voices in my head insisted on revenge. End her. Rip out all the teeth
in her mouth. Make her pay.
Except, there was a promise made. Fuck!
I’d been watching her for weeks, unable to wrap my head around the
fact that Liana Catalano Volkov was alive. Living and fucking breathing,
while her sister died in agony in fucking Siberia.

Pressure like heat in a kettle built behind my eyes as memories invaded,
whipping through my skull with knife-like precision. The sound of her
voice. The comfort of her touch. The softness of her heart.
A crater grew inside my chest and my mind, memories pouring out.
“I want you to marry me, Kingston,” she murmured, her voice soft and
reserved only for me.

Louisa. My Lou.
“You’re not yet eighteen,” I said, pulling her closer to me. She rolled
her eyes but immediately fell into my arms, unable to keep a smile off her
face. Even when shit was hard, she found things to smile about, offering her

“I might not live long enough.” She lifted on her tiptoes and brushed
her nose against mine. “So why wait?”
I grasped her jaw in my hand. “You… We’ll live until we’ve earned our
wrinkles and grays. Until we’ve seen our grandchildren and greatgrandchildren walk this earth, as living proof of our love.”

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