Red Night: Special Edition by Kitty King EPUB & PDF

Red Night: Special Edition by Kitty King EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kitty King
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“He said my last set was ‘mimicked copies of real work’ and ‘filled with
emotional naivety.’” My voice doesn’t sound exactly like my
advisor’s deep, husky one, but I think I’ve given a pretty good
impression of how pompous his tone usually is.
Some of the dry grass in the quad scratches my thighs, and I spot
several couples on blankets, regretting that I didn’t put one in my backpack.
When a small breeze filters by, it carries the scent of autumn: crunched
leaves and rain in the forecast. It just makes me dread my upcoming classes.

Closing my eyes, I let the afternoon rays warm my face, enjoying the break
before the full stress of university sabotages my peace.
“Fuck ’em. You’re a great photographer, baby.” Pressing a tiny peck on
my cheek, James hovers for a moment, then makes a failed attempt to throw
his empty paper bag in the recycling nearby. It lands in front of a pledge
from his fraternity, who bends and places it in the bin for him.

“Hey, James!” The freshman brightens when he sees my boyfriend, who
responds with a lazy two-finger salute. “Hey, James’s girlfriend!” My lips
lift into a slight smile.

Pinching some of his denim, I snag James’s jeans to pull his attention
back to me. “I can’t ignore his critiques. He’s the Mr. Devon Hall.” Even I
can’t stand the way I sound, all shrill with a whine… “I’m supposed to be
baking him cupcakes and licking the crumbs off his hairy chest or
something. At least, that’s what Selyne told me last year. He’s already called
me into his office this week for more roasting.” Just thinking of his stuffy
office and intense gazes makes my stomach twist into a knot.

Over the last year, Mr. Hall has often requested I visit his office hours,
sighing with the heavy burden of having me as a mentee. I know I’m not
great at art, but I try my best. When I bring that up, Mr. Hall suggests I visit
his studio to watch him work. But the way he looks at me with some mix of
disappointment and depravity has so far prevented my acceptance.

Hearting pictures on social media, James murmurs, “Ignore him. Keep
being yourself. You have talent.” He pauses on a photo of his friend Mack
Donaldson with his new boyfriend and unlikes the image.

“Just don’t give a fuck” is always James’s philosophy, but he can afford
that privilege. After his undergraduate, he’ll move to California, attend a
fancy law school, and make partner at his father’s firm. He never has to
worry about what he’ll do for money once he finishes school.

My photography degree feels like a complete waste of my time and my
parents’ money. Despite proclaiming in high school that I wanted to travel
and take pictures, my father insisted I go to college while he would cover
my costs.

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