Reckless Encounters by L.A. Shaw EPUB & PDF

Reckless Encounters (RECKLESS HEARTS #3) by L.A. Shaw EPUB & PDF

Reckless Encounters (RECKLESS HEARTS #3) by L.A. Shaw EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: L.A. Shaw
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


A little over a year and a half later
Keep that head high, babe. I let my best friend Sloan’s voice repeat over
and over in my head.
The fresh cut to my sleek blonde bob, paired with the brand-new outfit I
spent way too much on at Bloomingdale’s this past weekend, is my warrior
suit. I’m smiling because I know I’m good at what I do, and the nerves
rumbling in my stomach are my reminder not to let the mask slip from my
face. Never let them see you sweat.

Generally, I’m a self-assured person. I learned a long time ago that letting
people see your weaknesses gets you nowhere. But today’s different…
Today, I’m walking into a den of wolves. Bryant & Co is one of the
wealthiest investment firms in the city, and you’d have to be dead not to be
nervous about an interview with them. Especially with the most arrogant
asshole of them all leading the pack.

I walk past my favorite café in the West Village, taking deep breaths as I
summon more confidence with every step. It’s typically my first stop every
morning before I am even fully functioning. But not today. I’ve seen way
too many movies where the lead female character spills coffee all over her
shirt before a big interview, and I am not about to let that be my luck.
Instead, I Doordashed a cup while I did my hair and makeup earlier this
morning. The liquid gold is safely flowing through my veins and my cream
blouse is perfectly intact. Win-Win.

A few blocks into SoHo, my heart thuds louder, knowing I am getting close.
This is my biggest bid yet, and it’s a literal dream project for me. The only
downfall is the six-foot-four tattooed suit that just so happens to be heading
the project.

If I don’t get it… Nope. Manifest good shit only.
When I get it, it’s going to change my career and, honestly, my life. Interior
design has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, but I
quickly realized making a name for myself without using family
connections wasn’t going to be easy.

Two years ago, I left the design company I was working for and went out on
my own. It was a huge chance to take starting my own business at twentysix, but since then, I have had the opportunity to work on some really cool
projects and be in complete control with my clients.

As I approach the front doors of Luxure, I take a second to admire the
outside of the hotel’s building. They are halfway through the construction
phase of the revamp, and it’s time to hire a designer that fits with the
investor’s style and desires.

The brick exterior may only be five stories tall, but my mind has already
created so many ideas to pack into the inside of those five levels. Lucky for
me, they have a French theme in mind, and thanks to my aunt who now

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