Reckless by Elsie Silver EPUB & PDF

Reckless by Elsie Silver EPUB & PDF

Reckless by Elsie Silver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Elsie Silver
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I can’t fathom why you feel the need to go work at that dingy little
hospital in the country.”
I used to think Rob was a nice guy.
Now, I know better.

“Well, Robert,” I drawl, using his full name to piss him off as I shove a
final sweater into my overfull suitcase. “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but
there are humans—real live ones—who live in the country who are also in
need of medical attention.”

I can’t figure out why I’m packing so much for a single shift. When I’m
in Chestnut Springs, I live in scrubs in the ER and in leggings in my hotel
room at night.

“Thanks for clarifying, Winter.” There’s a biting tone to his voice that
might make some people flinch. But not me. A dark part of me takes
immense pride in the fact I know exactly how to piss off my husband. My
lips twitch as I struggle to contain my satisfied smile.

“But why that hospital? Why Chestnut Springs? You’re constantly
taking off out there and you don’t even tell me you’re leaving. Come to
think of it”—he scrubs at his chin in a dramatic fashion while leaning up
against the door frame of my bedroom—“you never even considered my
opinion on whether I would want my wife taking this job. This isn’t a smart
career move for you at all.”

Every time he whines like a child, I find myself wondering what it is
about him I ever found attractive.

I’m not sure when the dimple on his chin became repulsive to me. Only
that it is. The way he parts his hair to the side with a little swoop that
doesn’t even move when it’s windy used to make him appear suave and put
together to me.

Now it looks fake.
Like so much of my life with him has been.
I’m fairly certain the only reason he styles it that way is because he’s
too vain to admit he’s balding.

And nothing makes a man’s masculinity shrivel up and die for me quite
like complaining about a woman exercising her professional independence.
He might as well stomp his foot and storm out like a tiny chauvinist toddler.
I reach for the zipper and force it together against the bulging contents
of my suitcase. “It’s funny,” I start, ensuring that I keep my tone cool and
even. “It’s almost like . . . you are the very last person I would ever consult
about my life.”

With a huff of air, I finally slide the zipper into place and stare down at
the hard-shell case, propping my hands on my hips and letting a satisfied
smile touch my lips.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean, Winter?”
The way he adds my name to the end of every sentence feels like he’s
trying to scold me.

Joke’s on him. I won’t be scolded.
He’s blissfully unaware of what it takes to navigate the medical system
as a young female doctor. If I let men as weak as Rob steamroll me on the
regular, I wouldn’t stand a chance.

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