Realms of Shadow and Sun by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF

Realms of Shadow and Sun by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF

Realms of Shadow and Sun by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Rachel Avery
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Sword & Sorcery Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The dragon snarled and huffed under Renya’s knees. She could feel the
warmth radiating from the creature, feel the inhale and exhale of its lungs.
She wrongly assumed dragons were reptilian and cold-blooded, but beyond
the scales, nothing about this creature was amphibian-like. A pair of giant
wings beat heavily, and Renya could hear them flapping against the air
current as the large beast took her higher and higher into the cool, night air.

The dragon dived a bit, and Renya felt her stomach lurch at the sensation. It
was like hitting turbulence in an airplane, only this was not just a mixture of
hot and cold air. It was hard to believe that a few hours ago she was in
Grayden’s arms, worrying about him seeing her thoughts, and now she was
on the back of the fiercest creature she’d ever seen, being guided by the
cruelest woman known to man.

Her thoughts went back to her last few moments with Grayden. She
was brutally torn away from him before she could even make sure he was
safe. The second she saw the knife plunge into his side, she knew she would
do anything to spare him. She’d give up whatever she could in exchange for
his life. Renya just hoped a healer was able to get to Grayden before he bled
out on that field.

Cressida didn’t say a word to Renya once they were airborne. She
ignored her, not bothering to look back or acknowledge her presence. Renya
was glad, wanting nothing to do with the monster. Her hand throbbed
slightly where it was sliced open, and the sensation made her think about
the blood promise she made. What did a promise like that entail? Was it
reversible? There was no way she would willingly join the Shadow Queen’s
quest for domination without coercion. She would fight and sabotage the
entire way.

Renya watched the features of the land grow smaller and smaller the
higher they flew. She saw a shimmering lake housed deep within a crater,
and an archipelago heading out to the sea in the west. Renya hadn’t realized
how vast this world was. She spent so little time in it, and now she was sure
she would be locked up for the duration of her life. Without Grayden. She
reached inside and tried to find him through their bond, but it was useless.

She prayed it was because she was too far away, not because he was dead.
They hadn’t had the time to fully explore their bond and test its limitations.
She couldn’t imagine him dead, she couldn’t think like that without
completely breaking down. But either way, she would never see him again.
Tears cascaded down her cheeks, and the windchill made them feel like
icicles as they stung her skin.

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