Read My Rights (ROSEHAVEN #1) by Caz Redpath EPUB & PDF

Read My Rights (ROSEHAVEN #1) by Caz Redpath EPUB & PDF

Read My Rights (ROSEHAVEN #1) by Caz Redpath EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Caz Redpath
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

15 Years Earlier
I had always been a light sleeper.
According to Ma, it drove her up the wall when I was little as I was
constantly waking up in the night. Tonight was no exception as the sound of
footsteps had my eyes open of their own accord. I laid there and listened for a
moment, feeling slightly anxious at the sound. I’d come to know the sounds of
my family members’ footsteps and these sounded different. I sat up slowly, but
I couldn’t seem to get myself out of bed. I was frozen. Was there someone else in
my house? I tried to get myself to get up, but I couldn’t. My heart was pounding
and I was scared. Logically, I knew I needed to get up and investigate the
source of the noise to make sure it wasn’t just me over-reacting. I sat quietly
listening and heard the footsteps retreating back down the stairs. They
definitely were not ones I recognised.

I stood up and my hand hovered over my door knob, but I couldn’t bring
myself to turn it. I don’t know how long I stood there before I heard my
parents’ door open. The sound of my father’s footsteps was now following the
original set down the stairs. A large crash prompted me to grab the door and
yank it open. I ran down the stairs, closely followed by my mother.
In the front room my father had his hands in the air. His eyes widened
with panic as I came into view. My eyes were then drawn to a man in a
balaclava in front of him, holding a gun up.

“Look, there is some cash in my office. If I give it to you, will you go?”
Despite the predicament he was in, my dad’s voice was calm and collected. He
was a criminal defence lawyer, so he was used to remaining calm, but still his
ability to remain so calm in a high-pressured situation amazed me.
“The boy can get it, you stay there.” My dad looked over to me and then my
mother who was hovering on the stairs.

“Go get it, Eli.” I didn’t need to be told twice. I turned and ran into my
father’s office around the corner. I knew he kept the cash in his bottom
drawer, so I quickly pulled it out before returning. I paused then when I got
back into the room, unsure of whether to approach the armed intruder or not.
“Bring it.” The man’s voice was harsh, but I could still sense some panic in
it; like he was just as unsure about what he was doing as the rest of us.
“Let me hand it to you,” my father interjected.

“No, he brings it.”
At those words I cautiously moved forward, holding the money out as far
as I could. He snatched it off me with one hand whilst keeping the gun pointed
at my father. I felt my whole body shaking. He raised his hand, smacking me
across the face and knocking me to the floor.
“How dare you!” My father’s voice boomed behind me as I heard him get

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