Reaching Roland by Sammi Cee EPUB & PDF

Reaching Roland (HONEY-DO DADDIES #1) by Sammi Cee EPUB & PDF

Reaching Roland (HONEY-DO DADDIES #1) by Sammi Cee EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sammi Cee
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.5 MB
  • Price: Free

“Oh, stop it now. It must be Thursday,” Michaela teased.
“What’re you sing-songing about?” I asked the co-owner of
Labelle’s Salon. She was always giving me crap about something, and I
couldn’t ask for a better boss and friend.
Michaela sauntered toward me, waving a comb in the air. “What I’m talking
about, you fine sexy thing, is every Thursday, before that sweet older
gentleman comes in, you floof yourself all up.”

I finished applying my lip gloss and turned toward her, planting my hands
on my hips. “First of all, miss thang, Roland is a silver fox. He’s in no way
past his prime, like you’re insinuating. Number two, I fix my face and make
sure I’m presentable between all my clients.”

She leaned her elbow on the side of my swivel chair, giving me a
completely exasperated face. “Kenny, baby, you’ve worked for me since the
minute you stepped foot into Takoda. I’ve watched you grow from an
innocent and naïve small-town boy into the—”

“Magnificence,” I supplied.
She smirked. “Yes, Kenny. Into the stunningly handsome man that you are
now. I’ve seen you date countless men, and I’ve held your hand through
more heartbreaks than I care to remember.”

“You and me both,” I mumbled.
She swiped that damn comb through the air, gesturing from the top of my
head to the bottom of my shoes. “All I’m saying is, I know how you look
when you’re dressing to impress, and you bring it all, baby boy, on
Thursdays. Have been for the last couple of months. Anyone want to guess
who started coming in every Thursday like clockwork at the beginning of

Austin, Michaela’s brother and the co-owner of the salon, chuckled. “Leave
him alone, Michaela. I think they’re cute.”
Done with this conversation, I whirled back to my station and adjusted a
few hairs on top of my head. “Gee, thanks, Austin. I would think you’d at
least have stuck up for me.”

Like his sister, he’d become a close friend and confidant. He didn’t give me
as much shit as she did, but that was only because his husband, Judson, was
a total sweetheart and protective of all of us he’d adopted under his wing.
Austin finished sweeping underneath his chair and stopped. “What did I say

“Roland is a client like anyone else. He also happens to be the father of one
of my friends, as you know.” He also knew Roland through his son and his
son’s partner, Julian. “So maybe I give him a little special care. You both
have family and friends that come in that you’re the same way with, and
you’d treat Roland like I do if he’d started coming to you instead of me.”
Austin grinned. “You’ve got me there.”

Michaela stepped up next to me, laying her comb down on my table, and
began readjusting the kerchief she was wearing, making sure her beautiful
braids spilled out down her back just so. Side-eyeing her, I asked,

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