Raptor’s Revenge by Kristine Allen EPUB & PDF

Raptor’s Revenge by Kristine Allen EPUB & PDF

Raptor’s Revenge by Kristine Allen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Kristine Allen
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB


Silverware scraped on the plates as everyone finished their food. Sam and
Seth had stayed at the clubhouse last night, then helped with construction
today. Sage had cooked, and we were all sitting at the single round table that
fit in the clubhouse kitchen. It was the closest thing to home and a family
dinner that I could provide at the moment. Though I hadn’t been able to raise
the boys for most of their lives, it irked me to feel like I wasn’t properly
providing them a stable place to chill.

In a way, I regretted my decision to sink the majority of my money into
the RBMC property by buying it from the club. It would’ve been ideal if I
had bought a house close by, but at the time, I had no idea things would play
out the way they did.

Seth leaned back in his chair and placed a hand on his flat stomach, then
rubbed circles on it. “Sage, I’m so full, but that was delicious.”
Sage cocked a brow at his action with a teasing smirk. “Are you making
fun of me?” she asked as she mimicked his action by placing a hand on her
now obviously rounded stomach. She’d just started to really show, and I
couldn’t believe what a turn-on it was. I’d never been into pregnant chicks
before, but with Sage I was at half-mast any time I laid my eyes on her.
Sam snickered and shoveled his last bite in his mouth.

“Can we stay here again tonight?” Seth asked with pleading eyes. I
frowned, and he glanced down at his empty plate, obviously mistaking my
expression. “Ms. Ackerman is out of town this week, and Mom doesn’t get
back until next week.”
“Where’s your mom this time?” I tried to sound casual and keep the
censure from my tone because that wasn’t fair to them.

He shrugged. “No clue. Out of the country with Hatham again.”
“Jesus. How often do they go out of the country?” It seemed like they
were gone every other week, though I’d figured out it was about once a
month, sometimes two. It was hard to keep my hatred for their mother out of
our interactions. She took my children from me, lied to me, got a restraining
order against me, then essentially abandoned the children she went to so
much trouble to take. What was the point? To punish me because I didn’t do
what she expected of me?

He rolled his eyes. “All the time.”
“What the fuck for?” Okay, maybe my response wasn’t super tactful, but
it was a struggle. Every. Fucking. Day.
“I don’t know. Hatham has a lot of international businesses he deals with
—Mom shops,” Sam explained with a roll of his eyes.
Seth remained quiet with his gaze locked on his empty plate.
“It’s gonna suck after Ms. Ackerman retires. I wish we could live with
you,” Seth mumbled.
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