Purrfect Party by Nic Saint EPUB & PDF

Purrfect Party by Nic Saint EPUB & PDF

Purrfect Party by Nic Saint EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Nic Saint
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Cozy Animal Mystery
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“How much longer, Max?”
“I have no idea, Dooley,” I replied honestly.
“This is just ridiculous,” said Brutus with a groan.
“It’s par for the course with these humans of ours,” said Harriet. “Or
maybe with humans in general.”
We had been more or less patiently waiting for Odelia to bundle up
Grace and get the little girl ready for the daycare center, but our patience
was frankly wearing a little thin.
“I don’t get it,” said Brutus. “Why is it that humans always take so long
to get ready?”

“It’s because they have a lot of moving parts,” Dooley answered. When
we all eyed him with astonishment, he elucidated, “Their hair needs to be
just so, their faces too, and don’t even get me started on the rest of their

He had a point, of course. Before humans are ready to leave the house,
there’s an awful lot of work involved. They need to take a shower, shampoo
their hair and then try to make it look nice by combing and brushing it,
applying a contraption called a blow-dryer in the process. Their faces need
to be creamed, and their eyelashes and eyebrows accentuated with the right
amount of eyeliner. There’s a certain type of deodorant that needs to be
applied to mask their natural body odor, and that’s only the first part of the
process. Add in clothes and shoes, and you can see why it takes them so
long to get ready for anything.

“I don’t understand this obsession with personal appearance,” said
Harriet, even though her own personal appearance has long been a point of
personal pride. “I mean, we don’t use deodorant and yet we always manage
to smell nice, don’t we? So why can’t humans be the same?”
“Because humans have this obsession about smelling bad,” Brutus
pointed out. He shrugged. “I don’t know why it is, but it’s true. I happen to
like smelly pits, but they don’t. The moment their pits smell funny, they go
berserk. It’s as if it’s the end of the world.”

“Their pits smell funny when they engage in a lot of physical activity,”
said Dooley knowingly. “Physical activity makes them sweat, and humans
don’t like it when they sweat. They think it makes them smell bad. That’s
why they have to spray themselves with a lot of perfume to mask the

“It’s a disgrace,” said Harriet, making a face. “They should embrace
their natural scent, just like we do. There’s no point in faking it—it just
makes you look like a weirdo, always sniffing at your pits.”
“I happen to like the smell of deodorant,” I said, offering the contrarian
view for once. When they all offered me a look of surprise, I added, “Not
all deodorant, mind you. But I like Odelia’s smell when she’s all
deodoranted up.”

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