Pucked You First by Zee Irwin EPUB & PDF

Pucked You First by Zee Irwin EPUB & PDF

Pucked You First (THE HOCKEY USA ROMANCE COLLECTION) by Zee Irwin EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Zee Irwin
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 11 MB
  • Price: Free


“Taake that, Vegas’ Newest Bad Boy,” Max Largente taunts with a smirk,
quoting the latest entertainment and sports news’ favorite label for me.
I roll my eyes at him and the others sitting around the gaming table.
With his uncle, Anthony Largente, observing from the other side of the
room with much interest—being the owner of this establishment, the
Largess Hotel & Casino—Max lays his hand of cards out on the green-felt.

He boasts four of a kind, all nines, proudly, like he just claimed finding the
Holy Grail.
The other celebrities in the group chuckle, and some in his entourage
behind him clap hands like it’s a relief he won, given the intense poker
playing of the past few hours. After all, Max is a well-known actor and
circuit poker player, and he rarely loses.

When he’s not making sci-fi thriller action films, he takes up the
penthouse suite at the Largess Hotel & Casino and throws raucous parties.
From what I’ve been able to gather since I stepped foot in this desert city a
month ago, people are afraid of him pushing his weight around.
Never in my life did I expect to wind up here in this hellishly hot place.
But when the hockey league expanded to include four new teams this year,
Las Vegas was at the top of the list. The owners hired my old coach from
Fairfax University, and the next thing I know, I get a call from Coach Smith
asking if I’d like to play for him.

“Hell yeah,” I’d told him, having spent two years back to back in
winning seasons with him during the glory days of college. Damn, those
were good times. Not that I have anything at all to complain about in my
professional career.
After graduating and gaining a pro contract to play in Montreal, icing
around with them for the past several years was enough. Guess I got tired of
the cold weather. Which meant after racking up my stats in goals and
assists, I could cut the sweetest deal in this trade to grace the Vegas
Gamblers’ ice with my presence on their new team.
Not bad for a kid from the wrong side of the tracks.

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