Puck Off (NESSIE WARRIORS #1) by Eve Newton EPUB & PDF

Puck Off (NESSIE WARRIORS #1) by Eve Newton EPUB & PDF

Puck Off (NESSIE WARRIORS #1) by Eve Newton EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Eve Newton
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.3 MB
  • Price: Free

“F uck off.”
“Emma,” Dad warns, even though he could out-swear a sailor.
“No. No. No, and no.” Since when did this suddenly happen
between now and last week when I saw both him and Mum for dinner at my

We glare at each other over my desk, which is high above London, with
glorious views of a bustling metropolis. “Emma,” he tries again. “I’m
retiring. Someone has to take over. I want to keep it in the family.”
“Then ask Uncle Jock, for fuck’s sake,” I growl, my Scottish accent
barely a distant memory nowadays popping up out of nowhere, irritating me
further. It’s not that I don’t like it, but everyone, and I mean everyone,
focuses on the ‘cute accent’ instead of what I’m saying. I have worked long
and hard to adopt a more neutral-sounding tone. But this news is all kinds
of wrong.

He leans forward, hands on his knees. “I want you to take over the
Nessie Warriors.”
“Do you need me to say it again? This time with feeling? Fuck off,
Daddio.” My laugh is nervous—an octave higher than normal. He can’t be
serious. I’ve got hashtags to schedule, tweets to compose, and a brand-new
boyfriend who actually knows how to cook. He wants me to leave all this to
take over a sports team? Yeah, right.

Dad raises an eyebrow, all stoic-like, but I see the corner of his mouth
twitch. That’s not a good sign.
“Look, I don’t know the first thing about ice hockey,” I protest, hoping
reason will sway him. “And I really don’t want to.”
He doesn’t budge; he just gives me that look—the same one that used to
make me do my homework before I could watch TV. It’s not going to work
this time, though. No way.

Dad clears his throat, a raspy sound that sends up a red flag.
“Em, there’s something else,” he starts, and suddenly, I don’t like where
this is going. “I’ve got a bit of a ticker problem.”
“Ticker problem?” My voice sounds weird.
“The old heart. Doctors say it’s time I stepped down, for health
reasons.” He looks at the floor, then back up at me with eyes that aren’t just
asking, they’re pleading.

“What? What kind of heart problem?” My insides twist into a Gordian
knot. When did my invincible dad get a heart problem?
“Nothing to write home about. Just need to take it easy, is all.” His
attempt at nonchalance falls flat, and we both know it.

“Jesus, Dad.” The knot tightens. Guilt creeps into my chest, heavy and
uninvited. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

“I didn’t want to worry you.” His shrug doesn’t fool me. Worrying is
exactly what I’m doing right now. “It’s fine. I needed to see out the last
season but now, I have to do what’s right for your mum and you, Emmie.”

“Ugh! Dad!”
“Look. Pre-season training kicks off in three months, and they need
leadership after last season’s fiasco.”

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