Princess of Thorns by Amberlyn Holland EPUB & PDF

Princess of Thorns by Amberlyn Holland EPUB & PDF

Princess of Thorns by Amberlyn Holland EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author:Amberlyn Holland
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Inspirational Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

BEFORE SHE WAS CURSED, Princess Islyne never imagined following a
strange cat through a magic forest of thorns would become a normal part of
her day.

But then again, there were quite a few things she would never have
considered doing before the curse. Sometimes, it felt like the life she’d lived
before belonged to someone else.
With a huff of impatience, Cat turned to stare at Islyne with her
startlingly violet eyes. The black and white feline paused on the trail with
an air of exasperation at how far she’d fallen back while contemplating.
“I’m coming,” Islyne assured her and picked up the pace in response to
Cat’s frustrated whisker twitch.

With a flick of her tail, Cat stalked ahead, making it clear that she
expected Islyne to keep up. Somehow, the inability to speak was not an
obstacle when Cat wanted to get her point across.
That skill, combined with the unusual eye color, often made Islyne
wonder if Cat was someone’s familiar.

It was said that the most powerful witches in history had violet eyes.
Maybe the trait also appeared in the animals who helped them in their
Considering how Cat came and went, sometimes even appearing when
Islyne called for her, the involvement of someone, or something, magical
wasn’t so far-fetched.

Islyne was never quite sure how she felt about the possibility that some
unknown witch was responsible for the way Cat wandered in and out of her

On the one hand, it was almost certainly a witch who’d cast the curse at
the moment Islyne’s father was assassinated by an enemy soldier. A curse
that afflicted every one of King Aegron’s children in different ways, and left
the kingdom of Darkhar in a state of chaos.
On the other hand, the curse offered Islyne the first taste of freedom
she’d ever experienced.
Five years ago, Islyne would have been too timid and afraid to risk the
thorns, darkness, and magic dangers lurking along the forest’s shadowed

But five years ago her body had been Trapped in cursed sleep while her
spirit traversed the treacherous trails through the maze of thorns.
For three generations, the Winter Palace had been all but forgotten by
Islyne’s family. Rarely used, only a handful of staff remained to maintain
the royal retreat that once hosted lavish seasonal celebrations.
And so, a sparse forest had grown up around the once manicured

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