Prince of Frogs by Amberlyn Holland EPUB & PDF

Prince of Frogs by Amberlyn Holland EPUB & PDF

Prince of Frogs by Amberlyn Holland EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Amberlyn Holland
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Inspirational Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

BEFORE THE CURSE, Alaistar had been indifferent to the sea.
It had been just another element of terrain to be considered.
Until the magic fully settled at sunset of the third day after the curse struck.
From that moment on, the pull of the sea was a constant in Alaistar’s

Even several hundred feet up, standing on the balcony that ringed the
topmost room of the Lighthouse, he couldn’t escape its call.
He’d become adept at ignoring it. Instead of giving in and going down to the
secluded cove south of the Fortress, Alaistar stood his ground. Resolutely
unmoving, he watched the harbor activity from his lofty viewpoint.

When he’d visited this watch post as a child, the Fortress that protected the
Lighthouse had been a fascinating, fast-paced city all its own. Exhilarating
in its confusion and chaos. Especially the market square on the north end of
the complex. Back then, it spilled out of its confines, bubbling with
noise, music, and laughter. The entire stretch of the thoroughfare, from the
docks to the square filled with stalls and merchants, had felt more like a
carnival than a serious business district.
Now, though still busy, it felt too quiet. Too melancholy. Too desperate in
its pace.

Trade continued, and the docks and warehouse remained crowded. But the
wharf didn’t quite overflow with traffic like it once had. And ship captains
had much less need to bribe, bully, or beg for docking space.
Just one more symptom of the troubles that plagued Darkhar.
“This sudden fascination with high places you have is not good for my
knees. Is the view really worth it?”
Alaistar didn’t bother to turn toward the lamp room.
Partly because he was confident in the guards stationed at the base of the
Lighthouse. The post might be more ceremonial than necessary, but every
soldier under Alaistar’s command took even the most mundane assignment

Mostly, though, because he’d heard Oenry’s steady progress up the spiral
staircase long before his second-in-command had stepped through the
trapdoor that led into the lamp room. For a big man, he could be
surprisingly stealthy when he chose to. But the Guard Captain didn’t bother
with the effort unless necessary.
Nearly seven feet tall, Oenry had the breadth of muscle to match. Somehow,
though, the curling blond hair and boyish smile lessened the intimidation
others felt around him.

Unlike Alaistar, whose icy demeanor and ruthless reputation had kept
almost everyone at nervous arm’s length even before the curse. Now the
grotesque mask and green-tinged skin did an even better job of securing his

“It’s not the view, Oenry. It’s the privacy. Too many people come looking
for me in the Governor’s Residence. In retrospect, it was a terrible idea to
have my office and my living quarters in the same building.” Alaistar
shrugged indifferently. “I should have known I couldn’t hide from you,

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