Primal by Natalie Knight EPUB & PDF

Primal by Natalie Knight EPUB & PDF

Primal by Natalie Knight EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Natalie Knight
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The airport was busy as I made my way to the baggage claim area. I
wasn’t surprised. Colorado was gorgeous this time of year— any time
of year, really— and there were probably a lot of people here on

But that’s not why I traveled here. After years of thinking about it, I
finally decided to start working on my book. I’ve been a lawyer for two
decades, and pretty damn successful at it, but it’s always been a fantasy of
mine to see a something I wrote on the shelf in a bookstore.

So, I contacted my ex-sister-in-law, who I still got along with pretty
well, considering that I divorced her sister thirteen years ago, for some
advice about where I could go to get some peace and privacy for a week.
She’s a travel agent, which makes her the perfect person to suggest where I
could find what I was looking for.

I was jostled by the people crowded around the baggage claim area, but
I managed to spot my hard-shell navy blue suitcase on the belt. I moved
forward to grab it just as another man nearby broke from the crowd of
harried airport patrons to take the suitcase in front of mine on the belt. I
glanced in his direction, only to do a double take when I realized I
recognized the man.

He was also staring at me with surprise on his face. “Axel? What are
you doing here?”

My surprise shifted to annoyance, and I glared at Mason as I yanked my
suitcase off of the revolving belt. “I was going to ask you the same thing.
Why the hell are you in Colorado?”

I’d know Mason for a long time, ever since we were kids, but it had
been years since I’d seen the man. I wasn’t exactly eager to hang out with
the man who was married to my ex-wife.

Apparently, he didn’t feel the same because he smiled and cuffed me on
the shoulder. “Mount Elbert is a popular vacation destination. I’m guessing
we had the same idea to come here for a getaway.”

His broad smile and friendly greeting just pissed me off. He always did
this, acting like we were old friends. Once upon a time, that was true, but
these days, I couldn’t stand the man. Our childhood friendship had gone up
in flames decades ago.

“Just my luck,” I grumbled, turning away. I headed toward the car rental
counter, eager to get out of this crowded airport and away from Mason.
Unfortunately for me, he followed, keeping up at my side, even though
my legs were much longer. I had a good four inches of height on the guy,
something I took great satisfaction in.

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