Priest (NOLA REBELS MC (NEW ORLEANS #7) by Mackenzy Fox EPUB & PDF

Priest (NOLA REBELS MC (NEW ORLEANS #7) by Mackenzy Fox EPUB & PDF

Priest (NOLA REBELS MC (NEW ORLEANS #7) by Mackenzy Fox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Mackenzy Fox
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Present day
I sit at the bar nursing a whiskey; I’m not proud of myself since I quit
last month. Then again, I did get shot a few months ago so I shouldn’t be
too hard on myself. Lucky for me, the bullet only grazed my shoulder, but it
hurt like a bitch.

The only good thing to come out of it was the fact our enemies — the
Devils Ink — are all but wiped out and their prez — Forger — is now dead
after a year of being on the run.

While I’m glad that’s all over, it didn’t come without complications.
The Italian mafia were involved in the crossfire and it ended in gunfire.
Cash, our prez, took retribution on the underboss Salerno who did some bad
shit to a couple of brothers in the club when they were kids. That shit don’t

The only assholes to make it out alive — aside from my club brothers
— was Big Papa; the man who runs the underworld drug and fighting

We got a standing ovation from the Irish mafia; their Captain Rowan
and our club have been allies for years. We trade off from time to time and
help one another out.

But the NOLA Rebels stay out of illegal shit. We turn a blind eye to the
underworld, and keep the peace for the most part. Until Cash went postal
and started shooting.

Don Carlo, of the Italian mafia, is under the belief that the gunfire
between his brother and his men was a drug deal gone wrong with the
Devils Ink. And we’d like to keep it that way. As far as anyone knows, we
were not involved.

Since it’s been a month, and Don Carlo has been silent, their plan to
take over the French Quarter from the Irish was in vain.

Carlo Caruso and his family moved out of New Orleans decades ago
and predominantly operate in Houston, Texas — until recently when they
decided to come back to their roots. Whatever beef they have now is with
the Irish, and we’ll gladly pass the torch on and let them settle their factions
like men.

For now, it looks like the NOLA Rebels are in the clear. Though, it’s
been all over the news. You can only cover up so many bodies, and the cops
are always happy to come in and look like the good guys. Cleaning this
town up is a priority, according to their chief.

Riot sits down next to me at the bar as Amber pours him a beer. The
clubhouse is a place where we can all relax and play pool, drink, have
parties, and where we hold all the club’s important meetings, affectionately
known as church.

“You been nursin’ that drink for the better part of an hour.” Riot is the
secretary in the MC. He looks after all the paperwork and meeting agendas.
Bronco, along with Nevada, ensures the safety of the riders. When we’re on
our motorcycles going on a ride,

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