Pride by Sarah Hegger EPUB & PDF

Pride (HELL BOUND #3) by Sarah Hegger EPUB & PDF

Pride (HELL BOUND #3) by Sarah Hegger EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sarah Hegger
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.3 MB
  • Price: Free

If Christen circled the hell gate one more time, Bianca might give in to
temptation and push him through. They were all nervous and on edge, so
his constant pacing and intoning were gnawing away at her already frayed

She should have done this alone, like she had the other time. However,
her last summoning hadn’t panned out so well for her. It had worked great
for Eddie, but for Bianca—not so much.
Christen tossed another sprinkling of earth between the tall, white pillar
candles circling the hell gate. “We invoke the power of midnight, by this the
new moon, and call upon earth…”

Bianca tuned him out. His earth offering carried the ammonia tang of
Scotts Turf Builder. If the constant circling didn’t buy him a one-way ticket
through the hell gate—courtesy of her—the overblown, portentous prose
would do it for certain.

“Christ on a cracker.” Patty rolled her eyes and looked longingly at her
knitting bag at her feet. “How much longer?”
“Patty.” Carmen gave the older woman a reproachful look. “Christen
needs us to all give him positive energy.”

“Christen needs to hurry the fuck up,” Patty replied, and Bianca half
expected her to pull out the baby blanket she was working on. Patty had six
children, all of whom were similarly prolific with their offspring, and there
didn’t seem to be an end to the number of baby blankets and tiny beanies
and jerseys Patty was working on.

Bianca found Patty’s knitting oddly soothing and almost reached for the
bag herself. Then again, there were needles in that bag and there was never
any telling what Patty would do.

Ever the peacemaker, Lynn stepped between Patty and Carmen. “I think
Patty is concerned about somebody discovering us before we’ve completed
the summoning.”
She sent a tentative smile to Carmen and then Patty.

Not shifting from her position as the hard sell, Patty snorted and said,
“What Patty is concerned about is how the concrete floor is irritating her
plantar fasciitis.”

“Did you buy those Sketchers I told you about?” Lynn’s earnest, sweet
face crumpled in concern. “They provide wonderful arch support.” She
looked at Patty’s shoes and sighed like a soul broken. “Can I get you
something to sit on? I’m sure I saw a crate in the other section of the

Christen cleared his throat and flicked a wave of lustrous strawberryblond hair out of his face.
He may be an asshole, but Christen had the wavy, shiny locks of a
Pantene commercial. Bianca had fallen for his hair first, and then those
soulful brown eyes.

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