Precious Things by Gail R. Delaney EPUB & PDF

Precious Things by Gail R. Delaney EPUB & PDF

Precious Things by Gail R. Delaney EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Gail R. Delaney
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Mr. Burke will be with you shortly, Miss Kincaid.”
Jewell nodded and smiled at the woman behind the desk whom
Travis Traynor had introduced as LaTrisha Jordan. She took the wait as an
opportunity to calm her twisting nerves, pulling in a deep breath as she
wiped her palms down her skirt. She’d already been at Bulwark Mutual
Funds for nearly two hours, completed preliminary interviews with Human
Resources and Mr. Traynor—one of the department heads within the
Capital Management division—and had apparently impressed them
sufficiently to move on to an interview with Kevin Burke, Mid-Cap Assets

She turned away from the high paneled, wooden desk to survey the
room. Mr. Traynor had called this the bullpen; a twelve hundred square foot
open space on the seventeenth floor of the Bulwark building, lined on
parallel walls with dark wood doors. There was a desk identical to
LaTrisha’s for each two doors, six desks on each side of the room, for the
administrative support staff assigned to each fund manager team. A brass
nameplate on the front of each receptionist-style desk indicated the name of
a fund manager and division. Below that, a smaller plate with each
manager’s executive support staff member.

A low hum of conversation, accompanied by the click of keyboards and
the occasional twitter of a phone, skimmed through the room. Someone
laughed several desks down.
“I apologize for the delay,” LaTrisha said, and Jewell turned. “Mr. Burke
has been stuck on a call.”
“Not a problem at all.”

A door slammed behind her and Jewell jumped, as did everyone within
her line of sight. An older woman stood outside one of the many doors
along the hall, her cheeks flushed bright red with her hands clenched at her
side, her lips bunched up in an angry purse. A young woman with dark
brown hair seated at the desk outside the recently slammed door, startled in
her chair at the sound. One by one, curious heads disappeared again behind
their high desk walls.

The older woman headed for the younger at the desk, cutting her left
hand through the air. While Jewell couldn’t make out her words, the tone
was enough to express anger. Based on the way the younger pushed back,
Jewell wondered if she was the recipient of misplaced frustration.
She didn’t realize she’d stepped closer until the woman’s words came
into comprehendible focus.

“I don’t know who the hell he thinks he is. Thinks he can get away with
talking to me like I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve been in this industry
since before the Dow hit 5K!”
The younger woman looked around, briefly making eye contact with
Jewell, her cheeks flushing. “Carol…”

“What? It’s not like he hears me.”
“Carol!” the younger said louder. “He doesn’t but everyone else does.”
Carol huffed, turned, and stormed away. Once she was away, the
younger woman at the desk sighed, her shoulders visibly dropping, and she
braced her hand across her forehead. Jewell glanced around and spotted a
water bubbler. She crossed the room and filled a cup before going to the
desk. The brunette looked up

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