Power and Possession by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF

Power and Possession by Rachel Avery EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
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  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.5 MB
  • Price: Free

I wondered if this was how I was going to die. My feet hit the pavement,
one foot in front of the other. I could feel my pulse increase, the cold air
brushing past my face and hitting my sensitive front teeth as I panted. It was
nearing dark; the shadows from the trees loomed menacingly at me with
every step. Yet I knew the shadows weren’t what I should fear tonight.

I made my way up the lane, finally recognizing the coffee shop on
the corner, with its faded blue door and the checker-patterned curtains
covering the windows. Yes. Somewhere familiar. I slowed my pace, trying
to catch my breath and convince my chest not to explode from the toll the
sprint took on me.

Adrenaline coursed through my body, every inch of my nerves
hyperaware. There was no one on the street, but the soft glow from the
streetlights illuminated the cobblestones and made me feel less isolated.
Feeling safer in the presence of familiarity, I finally dared to glance
over my shoulder.

He was gone.
I sighed. I was overreacting. I was probably just imagining that he
was following me. But, over the past few weeks, I had seen a couple of
strange men, dressed all in black, and I swore they were watching me. I saw
one of these men when I got my morning coffee yesterday, his dark eyes
focused on me over his paper in the corner of the cafe. Last week, as I
walked to my au pair job, I swore a man was trailing behind me, almost up
to the gates of the Harrington Estate.

When I turned up the gated road, he
continued down the street, keeping on with his pace, but I swore I could
feel his eyes upon my back as I walked up the drive. Luckily, the entire
estate was guarded by 24-hour surveillance. I usually felt safe there. But
tonight, as I was leaving, I thought I saw the same man almost a quarter
mile up the road. I tried to take a different route home, but I ended up
getting turned around. I’d only been living in this part of England for a few

After I finished my studies in Cambridge, I looked for a job in
London, eager to be in a city that was full of life, history, and culture. But
my degree in Arts and Humanities wasn’t exactly an MBA, and I found
myself working retail jobs, serving coffee, and trying to make money with
my hobby as a photographer.

Not exactly what I had come to the UK for, so
when a professor approached me about an au pair job for a friend of a
friend, I came out to Derbyshire for an interview and was hired. My
professor told me how socially connected the parents were, and I hoped it
might lead to something better.
When I first met the family, I found out that the only qualification

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