Poppy’s Place (LITTLE LOVELIES PLAYROOM #1) by Kimmy Cain EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Kimmy Cain
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
There was a crowd of people by the pick-up counter when Cassie walked
in. She came straight to me, throwing her arms around me and hanging
from me, practically collapsing over me. “Please tell me you ordered for
me, Pop. I need caffeine, stat.”
I hugged her back and smiled. “Yes, Cassie. Of course, I ordered for you.
With this line, I wasn’t about to waste our quick visit by making you stand
in line again.”
Just then, the barista screamed out my name and slid two coffees and two
slices of banana bread across the counter.
“Ooh, that couple over there is leaving. I’ll grab the table if you grab the
food.” Just as quickly as she arrived, Cassie took off to save our seats.
When I dropped into the chair across from her with a tray of our snacks and
drinks, I felt as exhausted as she looked. “So why the urgency around our
meeting today? Or did you just want to see my pearly whites?”
Cassie bit off a corner of her pastry and grinned. “You know how much I
love your smile, but I need a favor.” She wrapped both hands around her
warm mug and held it to her face. “And I’ll owe you forever.”
That didn’t sound good. “What do you need this time, Cass?”
“Can you host the Little Lovelies tonight?” It was her turn to flash her
pearly whites at me. “I know you had to do it last time, but my place is an
absolute mess, and there’s no way I can get it ready for playgroup tonight.”
“Cassie…” I hated whining, but sometimes it couldn’t be stopped. “I have
to move all my furniture and unpack the bins. What if I go help you get
your apartment ready before anyone else arrives?”
“That’s really nice, but there’s no way I can make it work. I’ve been
experimenting with some new candles, and I have supplies set up all over
the place. I can’t just start moving everything around or it’ll be ruined.”
“Really?” I frowned, knowing that nothing would get ruined by moving it
out of the way, but I understood her situation.
Even though it was a pain, it
was easiest for me to host because my living room and dining room combo
were set up in a way that if I pushed everything to the walls, we had a pretty
nice playspace.
“Pretty please with poppies on top?” She clasped her hands under her chin
and begged with her eyes as convincingly as her mouth.
“Fine. I’ll do it again, but I’m not hosting for the next…five playdates.” I
crossed my arms over my chest and felt my lower lip jut out, even though
Cassie was completely immune to my sad face.
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