Plus-Size Pregnant Mate by Blue Thorne EPUB & PDF

Plus-Size Pregnant Mate (HONEYVILLE FIREFIGHTER SHIFTERS #2) by Blue Thorne EPUB & PDF

Plus-Size Pregnant Mate (HONEYVILLE FIREFIGHTER SHIFTERS #2) by Blue Thorne EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Blue Thorne
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.5 MB
  • Price: Free

My mouth just hung open as my parents stared at me across the
cafe. Of course, they would take me somewhere public so I couldn’t make a
fool of myself. The cafe was packed with people, making me feel even
more uncomfortable than I already was.
“Marriage? You’re joking, right?” I asked, looking between my
mother and my father.

My mother sighed like I was acting irrationally even though I’d been
calm this entire time. Since they invited me to brunch this morning, I’ve
been sitting on the edge, unsure what they wanted to discuss with me.
“Ashley, stop acting like it’s the end of the world. It’s not as big a
deal as you think.”

I stuttered for words for a second before I finally caught myself.
“Marriage? Mom, you guys are talking about marriage here. That is a big
“We are just asking you to be open to the idea,” my father quickly
added. “Logan is a well-respected…”

“He’s been married before,” I quickly add before he can finish. “Two
times. He’s been married twice already.”
“That’s only because they didn’t work out,” my mother replied.
“Maybe you’re the right one for him.”
I just stared at them with wide eyes now because they couldn’t be
serious. They couldn’t seriously be talking about marrying me off like it’s

I placed my hands on the table, trying to gather myself. “I don’t
understand where this is coming from,” I said. “I’m happy. If this is because
I said I was a little lost at times…”

My mother waved her hand, cutting me off. “Ashley, this is because
it’s a good idea. You are older now, and it’s time you settle down. Logan is
well respected and said he is more than willing to marry you.”
“I’m twenty-five,” I quickly added. “I’m not that old, Mom.”

My father adjusted himself in his chair, trying to give me a soft
smile. “It’s the perfect age for marriage,” my father said.
“It’s also the perfect age to explore and travel the world,” I said.
“Which is what I want. I want to…”

My mother shook his head, stopping me mid-sentence. “Ashley,
honestly, you need to be honest with yourself; that isn’t going to happen.”
I felt like she just hit me, and I just stared.
“Addy….now that’s being a little harsh,” my father said as he looked
at my mother. My mother sighed as if I were having a meltdown and
making a scene.

My mother glanced at my father for a second before she looked
back at me. “She’s old enough to know that isn’t how real life works. You’re
an adult, and it’s about time you start acting like one.”

“Mom, I’m aware of how the real world works, but I also know that
once you settle down and get married, you have kids, and life gets the best
of you. You both always said if I wanted to do anything, to do it while I was

My mother’s lips tightened together, and my father sighed. “Yes, we
did say that…but sweetie….you’ve been…”

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