Playing The Field (GLENDALE #2) by Grayson Long EPUB & PDF

Playing The Field (GLENDALE #2) by Grayson Long EPUB & PDF

Playing The Field (GLENDALE #2) by Grayson Long EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Grayson Long
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

What have I gotten myself into? Three years. I gave up three whole years
of nightly sweatpants and ice cream for this? As I shift uncomfortably in the
heels I borrowed from Ellie, I can’t help but question every little decision I’ve
ever made in my life. The unnatural angle of my feet is so painful I’m even
starting to question my sanity.

A little too New York for my taste, Ellie.
“I guess I shouldn’t have assumed that the first time I got back out there I
would be swept off my feet, right?” I muster a laugh and take a sip of the
complimentary Mai Tai. “But doing it this way is fun too! Like pulling off a
Band-Aid, don’t you think?”
The gentleman across from me—Larry, per his blue name tag—does not

“Maybe not a Band-Aid,” I backtrack. “More like chopping off—”
A buzzer blares, cutting me off and rescuing Larry, based on the
exaggerated sigh of relief he gives before power-walking to the next table. “It
was nice meeting…” I trail off when I see him eagerly approach the pretty
blonde’s table ten feet away. She’s wearing a bright-red, low-cut dress with a
slit up to her hip bone, unaware of my existence as she laughs and swoons
over the very perky Larry.

Where was that perkiness two minutes ago, Larry?
Glancing at the clock, I realize I only have to endure this night for thirty
more minutes. I’ve been here for almost two hours, and what do I have to
show for it? A half off coupon to the Hot Dog Hut down the street and a
phone number written on the back of a parking ticket.

“Hello there.” A bald man wearing a white turtleneck approaches my table.
“How you doin’?” Using a Friends pick up line? Do better, my man.
Summoning all the energy I left behind in my early twenties, I inhale, slow
and deep, focusing my attention on the potentially harmless man with a shiny
head in front of me.

What if he’s the one, Kate?
He picks his teeth with his pinky finger, retrieving a rather large piece of…
spinach? Broccoli? Something green and rotten. Then, he proceeds to wipe it
off on the white satin tablecloth between us.

Nope, not the one.
“You know what…”—I eye his name tag—“Tom, I’m not doin’.” I feel like
air-quoting the word is essential for added effect in this moment. “I’m at a
singles mixer on a school night. I haven’t dated anyone in three years, and
after months of loneliness and self-reflection—I even took up knitting and
made a sweater—I figured it was time to get back out there, find myself a
man.” My tone deepens on the word man involuntarily. I tend to ramble, and
when I do, my voice gets gritty and, according to my cousin, Benny, can be a
tad macho.

“A man, huh?” Tom gives me a slow wink, adding another level of cringe
to this interaction. I check the clock—thirty more seconds with this one.
“Yes, Tom. A man. Someone to share a life with. Not even a crazy,

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