Playing For Keeps by Tristen Crone EPUB & PDF

Playing For Keeps by Tristen Crone EPUB & PDF

Playing For Keeps by Tristen Crone EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Tristen Crone
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic Comedy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


Six hours to go on this wretched Friday. Six hours of emotionally draining work, a complicated commute, Midol, and a steaming hot
shower were all that stood between Farren and the best part of her
whole week.
Barely contained dark blonde curls started to slip from the hair tie as she
bent over to fasten the kindergartener’s shoes. The waistband of her pants
dug uncomfortably into her soft stomach, and she longed for the forgiving
leggings the school prohibited. The five-year-old was practically bouncing
and ready to race off the second her hands let go of the light-up sneakers.
She’d been asked the same question at least six times by nine AM,
despite her morning introduction during circle time.
“Where’s Mrs. Wilson?” they’d chirped.

“What’s a sussitute?” another asked when she’d introduced herself.
“What’s ‘maternity leave’?” a boy missing his two front teeth chimed
in, and Farren worked hard to contain the groan that swept through her
body at the prospect of explaining it to a bunch of wide-eyed children, who
would no doubt share any tidbits they learned with their families. The last
thing Farren needed on her first day at a new school was irate parents
greeting her the next morning.

“I’m sure she spoke to you all about it. Mrs. Wilson had a baby, so she
needs to take care of them until they’re a little bit older. She’s getting to
know them, and in the meantime, I’ll be here getting to know all of you!”
Farren tried to be peppy. Usually, it wasn’t too much of a stretch for her, but
she’d recently finished up her first consistent chunk of subbing for a high
school. They’d sucked the life out of her with their relationship drama,
hormones, and attitudes so rotten, she’d done some deep breathing so she
wouldn’t walk out and not return.

You need the rent money. Farren chanted in her head like a mantra. You
need the rent money. She could tinker with her game ideas and pipe dreams
in her free time, but without steady cash flow, it didn’t matter. The jagged
envelopes of bills sitting on the coffee table came to mind. It was all that
kept her going.

Farren filled small empty spaces, she plugged holes, a hermit crab
hopping from shell to shell, keeping it warm for the permanent inhabitant,
protecting herself in the process. It suited her. It did. Variety was the spice
of life, or something, right? This way, she never got too tied down, and she
could step out as needed.

She focused her energy on being what the kids in front of her needed:
wiping snotty noses, and consoling tiny shaking shoulders. Farren
administered band-aids, read stories, and drew shapes on the whiteboard to
help them understand math problems.

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