Play Along by T.L. Swan EPUB & PDF

Play Along by T.L. Swan EPUB & PDF

Play Along by T.L. Swan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: T.L. Swan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Macey Locke didn’t often wake up alone in a man’s bed. Frankly, she didn’t
often wake up in a man’s bed period. But here she was, sprawled across
Derek Severson’s mattress, hogging the covers, hugging the pillow as if the
man himself were here with her.
Awesome. An awkward “morning after” and she hadn’t even had the
pleasure of sleeping with him.

She sat up, cringing as she recalled the night before. She’d driven all
day to get to Derek’s bar on San Amaro Island off the coast of south Texas,
and though she’d tried to prepare herself for the state he was in, his lessthan-enthusiastic reception had cut deep. She’d thought the sight of an old
friend — her — would dig through his layers of grief and sorrow and at
least warrant a smile.

She’d thought wrong.
Macey helped herself to the connecting bathroom and splashed water
on her face, then looked longingly at the shower stall. Maybe later. She’d
made herself at home enough already, barging in and stealing his bed while
he closed up the bar.

She ran a brush through her hair and pulled it up into a sloppy bun as
she returned to the bedroom. Her flip-flops were next to the bed, where her
feet had been hanging over the side; she must’ve kicked them off in her
sleep. She slipped them on and was about to go find Derek when she
noticed the framed photo she’d left among the pile of blankets. Once again,
she was compelled to pick it up.

Julie. Derek’s girlfriend who’d died just over a year ago.
She’d known Julie vaguely. Had watched as Derek fell in love with
her. It had been the final push for Macey to join the Peace Corps two years

But instead of the cutting jealousy she’d felt toward this woman,
now sorrow made her throat burn and her eyes water anew.
Feeling even more like an intruder, she set the photo back on the
nightstand and left the room, wiping tears away.

Had Derek even bothered to come home?
The soft drone of the television answered her question as she reached
the open kitchen and living area of his beachside condo. There he was.
Crashed out on a worn recliner that looked too small for his long, muscled
body to be anything close to comfortable. He was still asleep. She should
give him privacy but…

He wore a pair of black boxers, nothing else. A large tattoo of the
Texas Longhorn logo, with flames added behind it, emphasized the size of
his biceps. His chest was sculpted with muscles, as was his abdomen. She’d
thought six-pack abs were fictional, but they were totally alive and well
here. Her eyes tracked slowly, appreciatively downward and eventually
landed on strong, solid thighs. She swallowed hard, knowing this private
inspection of hers was a bad idea. She watched his chest rise and fall for a
few breaths before her gaze traveled up to his face.

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