Plan A by Deb Caletti EPUB & PDF

Plan A by Deb Caletti EPUB & PDF

Plan A by Deb Caletti EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Deb Caletti
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Teen & Young Adult Fiction on Pregnancy Social & Family Issues
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

When I’m not at school, you can find me at Euwing’s Drugs, and so that’s
where I am that day, in the staff break room, surrounded by a shipment of
pain relievers. It’s not the most pleasant place to be, I admit. There’s a
permanent burnt smell in there after my manager, Maureen, once left the
Mr. Coffee on all night, and it has twitching fluorescent lights that make
you feel like you’re in one of those futuristic movies where someone
implanted a microchip in your brain.

Still, it’s what we’ve got, so I set my
water bottle on a box that reads and try for the hundredth time
to start Tess of the D’Urbervilles for Advanced English III. I’m so far
behind that it’s becoming one of those things that grow bigger and bigger
the longer you don’t do them. I’ve never been this far behind in any of my
schoolwork, and we’ve got a final coming up soon, but I just can’t get
through the beginning. You wouldn’t believe how many pages there are
before that thing actually starts. There’s a foreword, and then an
explanatory note to the first edition, and then a preface to the fifth and later
editions. I’m not even kidding. You practically expect an introduction to the
109th edition.

Blah, blah, blah, preface. If you ask me, they ought to be outlawed, the
pages before the pages. And if they’re in italics, forget it.
You have a lot of opinions, Ivy, my mom always says.
Which is, of course, an opinion.

She has a lot of them, too—opinions about music and men, guitars and
rom-coms—and so does Grandma Lottie, about everything from shit cars to
fast food. It’s a thing in my family, especially among the DeVries women,
to see yourself as strong-minded and willful, fierce. Also, that old-fashioned
word plucky. But I can tell you one thing—right then, I don’t feel very
fierce, and you’d need way more boxes of pain relief to fix the hurt swirling
around in my head. Swirl—my stomach, too. Forget about eating.

To get to the actual beginning of the book, I just skip all of it, all those
pages that seem so meaningless. Fine, whatever, get to page seventeen,
where the thing actually starts. You know what’s funny? The first line. On
an evening in the latter part of May, it reads, and right at that moment, it’s
actually an evening in the latter part of May. Something about this makes
me think of our dog, Wilson, chasing his tail. Going around and around
only to end up at the same place.

Stop being a preface, Ivy, I tell myself. Get on with it.
I sigh long and loud, even if no one hears it, and take off my blue vest
with my name tag pinned on. In order to reveal my future, I open the book
to a random spot to see what it says. Pages 142 and 143. My life looks as if
it had been wasted for want of chances! Wow, thanks. Come on, book, you

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