Pippin & Nacho by Courtney W. Dixon EPUB & PDF

Pippin & Nacho (ALPHA’S REJECTS #2) by Courtney W. Dixon EPUB & PDF

Pippin & Nacho (ALPHA’S REJECTS #2) by Courtney W. Dixon EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Courtney W. Dixon
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 9.5 MB
  • Price: Free


I clawed at the stabbing pain in my bare chest, gasping for breath as my
heart threatened to burst through bone and muscle. Then the dam burst. The
tears always came after waking up from the horror of my nightmares and
reflections of my past, reshaped into grotesque monsters. The tears were the
residual effect of coming down from the adrenaline and the relief that I
woke up safely in my home.

Fuck me.
I rubbed my tired eyes and glanced at the clock in my darkened room. It
was after four in the morning, and the likelihood of falling back asleep was

My nightmares kept a stranglehold on my life, breaking me down a little
bit more each time. I was a rock, slowly being chipped away until I finally
crumbled into tiny pieces. They were a constant reminder of what I’d gone
through, never allowing my mind and heart to heal, even in my sleep. I
wasn’t a smart man, but I recognized PTSD for what it was. My very
existence was the cause of all my mental torment. If I’d never been fucking

The sudden movement in my bed washed over me in comfort, instantly
steadying my heart and helping my lungs find air.
Nate wrapped a slender arm around me and pulled me back down into
my bed, filling me with a strength I lacked. He held me close as he wiped
away my tears and sweaty bangs, whispering soothing words. His kindness
and friendship made me want to cry again, my trembling lip barely holding
it together. I didn’t deserve him. I didn’t deserve anything. Yet, I held on to
my best friend like a lifeline. He was the only reason I still walked in this

His dark curls tickled my face, and for the first time since I’d woken up,
I smiled through my pain, inhaling scents of lime and coconut. I had the
same scent since we shared body wash, but it smelled so much better on

“What would I do without you?” I whispered.
“Shhh… Go back to sleep, Sam.”
Nate dragged gentle fingers along my back, soothing me to sleep, but I
couldn’t. I was wide awake now as the last hold of my nightmare slipped
away. And whenever he held me like this, which was often, I’d look to my
future, not in fear, but in hope. Nate gave that to me like a gift that kept on

Nate, or as our friends liked to call him, Nacho, saved my life almost
seven years ago. He was only fifteen years old at the time. He represented
pure strength and resilience in the face of adversity while I cowered from it.
It would’ve been a lonely life without him. Neither of us had ever had a

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