Pierced By Arrows by Allie Stern EPUB & PDF

Sirens that are on their last legs weakly wail in the drop-off bay, and my

Pierced By Arrows by Allie Stern EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Allie Stern
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Sirens that are on their last legs weakly wail in the drop-off bay, and my
hurried steps echo off the tile flooring. The drowsiness that weighs
heavy on my lids evaporates as the cold air rushes through the opening
sliding doors.

“Who do we have here?” I ask as I reach the ambulance.
“We think she’s in her midtwenties. I found her in an alley. She has a
gunshot wound to her lower left abdomen,” Jack, my favorite paramedic,

I grab onto the gurney’s railing as we race through the halls. He tells me
her last taken vitals as he holds pressure to her gunshot wound. It’s
moments like this that I live for. The adrenaline that courses through me is
like lava from a volcano. Except this is Darkling City, and that adrenaline is

“Clear OR three,” I yell.
Jenny, my scrub nurse, frowns. “It’s taken.”
A select few staff with dark bags under their eyes and scrubs that
haven’t been washed in days chase after us, preparing to launch into a battle
to save a life instead of running and hiding like so many have done.
I don’t slow. I don’t blink. I don’t argue. That’s what will kill her.

“Which one is open?”
She grimaces as she looks at the patient. “Five.”
Might as well operate in the emergency room at this point. Since the
uprising, it wouldn’t be my first time saving a life with our limited supplies.
Three months ago, the underbelly took over the city, and we lost all support
from the government. Banks withdrew their financial backing, and the
corrupt erected their thrones, ruling our once-thriving home. The trains
running in and out were barricaded, and the military surrounded the
outskirts, trapping innocent souls to be damned. Anyone who tries to leave
is shot on sight. To them, it’s not worth picking out who is worth saving. We
are all murderers to them.

When the criminal syndicates rose from the depths of wherever they
came from, I could’ve left. But leaving meant I couldn’t save the people
who needed me. When the evacuation came for me, I gave them one of my
patients instead and continued to fight to save lives. The battle for ultimate
power was won that day, and it wasn’t a victory for the good guys.

The hospital runs on fumes and generators. The supplies we do get are
from medical drops from humanitarian organizations. We used to be a
thriving metropolis. People wanted to live here even with it being
overpriced. Now, we are a charity case, and the country is waiting for us to
die out.

The burning desire to save everyone I can is starting to dim. Truth is, I
can barely keep my head above water.

Blood drips to the floor, leaving a trail of imminent defeat. It’s too
much, and with the loss that has stained my hands over the past months, it’s
hard to not wonder what the point is anymore.

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