Pieces Of Us by Vi Summers EPUB & PDF

Pieces Of Us by Vi Summers EPUB & PDF

PIECES OF US (GATLIN #4) BY VI SUMMERS – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Vi Summers
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“So, where are you right now?” I asked, approaching the outskirts of Gatlin
Falls, the place where the best dick I’d ever had, lived.
Reed’s voice came through my car speakers. “Just patrolling through
town. About to head out.”
“Oh really?” I grinned to myself.

I heard his car indicator clicking on and off, and he sounded distracted
for a second. “Yeah, babe.”
Throwing caution to the wind, I pressed my foot harder on the gas
pedal, planning to blaze into town and rile him from the get-go. He loved it.
Perhaps not outwardly, but I fucking knew it gave him kicks.
I tried to hide the amusement from my voice. “I’ll see you soon, then.”
“Yeah, I get off at seven, then I’ll get you off by eight,” Reed drawled,
almost under his breath.

A bite of anticipation kicked in my already unsettled gut. “I can’t wait
for real dick,” I agreed.
His burst of laughter filled my car, and I swear I heard a cough in the

“Trust me, my hand doesn’t quite cut it either.” Reed snickered. “How
close to the Falls are you, babe?”
“Just left Gallie,” I lied, speeding past the Welcome to Gatlin Falls
billboard and ignoring the reduced speed signs.
“Ah, so still—” he cut off, and I could practically hear him squinting.
I held in my laughter and kept my speed as high as I dared through the
entrance to town.

“Babe, is that fucking you?”
“Where?” Laughter vibrated in my chest as I rapidly approached the
oncoming cop car.
“It fucking is!” Reed yelled as I zoomed past him, laughing my ass off.
“Jesus Christ,” came a second voice, making my bravado slip.
“Fucking hell, Kasey. I just clocked you doing fifty in a twenty-five!”
Reed shouted.

Sparkles of dread filtered through my body. “Is someone in the car
with you?”
“Eric is,” Reed hissed. “You’re fucking lucky it wasn’t the boss.”
Some of the panic subsided a fraction. “Oh my god, Eric!”
His partner’s chuckle came through my speakers. “Hi, Kase.”
“Why didn’t you speak up sooner!” I cried.

He chuckled. “Seems I have a habit of witnessing you break the law,
darlin’. Pull over, eh?”
The first time was “arresting” me and Simone after we were caught
skinning dipping in the lake. The skinny dipping and “arrest” ticked off two
items on Simone’s bucket list, and I had no regrets over either. Not even
spending the night in the cells with my bestie could dull the achievement—
it simply added to the experience.

Plus, that morning after is exactly when I
laid eyes on Reed for the first time. From that moment, I knew I’d own him.
Though I never anticipated our occasional fling becoming something more,
somewhere between one visit and the next, I accidentally started falling in
love with the guy.

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