PIcture Perfect Autumn by Shelley Noble EPUB & PDF

PIcture Perfect Autumn by Shelley Noble EPUB & PDF

PIcture Perfect Autumn by Shelley Noble EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Shelley Noble
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Women’s Domestic Life Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Dani Campbell was headed for a gigantic fall. She knew it. She could feel
it lurking close by, waiting for her to blink. So she just wouldn’t blink, not
tonight anyway. Tonight she was riding high, the darling of the New York
art world. Basking in the limelight of her success and celebrating her first
solo photographic opening at a Hamptons art gallery.

It was exciting and fun, being the center of attention. Schmoozing with
other avant artists and networking with the movers and shakers of the East
Coast art world. Smiling and laughing; saying outrageous things about art,
being insightful and clever, as the champagne flowed and the canapés
disappeared from trays as fast as they appeared.

Across the room, her agent, Manny Rodriguez, was already talking up
her next show, lining up possibilities, upping the ante.
Self-taught and only twenty-eight, Dani was the bright young star of the
season. She was young, but not naive. She knew that all these friendly wellwishers could turn into enemies faster than their smiles could follow. She’d
already seen careers disintegrate practically overnight. Like Jake Carras,
whose rising star had burned out but who refused to let go. He was here
tonight, standing just outside the action, pretending he wasn’t being
ignored. His career as fleeting as the ice sculpture in the foyer already
beginning to melt under the lights.

Dani turned away. That wouldn’t happen to her. She was good. Everyone
said so. Still, in a stolen quiet moment she’d recite her mantra. Fake it till
you make it. Because Dani had no idea what she was doing or how she’d
gotten here. Or, more importantly, how to stay.
She upped the wattage, stood a little more confidently; smiling,
successful, her spiked hair sharper than the cutting edge her work
“defined,” while quaking on her stilettos, knowing it might all come
crashing down without warning.

And she couldn’t help but think she was missing something important.
The next morning on her way back to the city, she drove past a sign for
Ye Olde Antiques Barn. Dani knew better than to associate with anything
with “Ye Olde” attached to its name, but she was a sucker for a junk store.
She loved how everything was all jumbled together regardless of period or
style or use. She loved how she could photograph odd objects and turn them
into something wonderful with just a few manipulations of a graphics app.
She suspected that her life could use a good app right now.

She turned off the main road and pulled into the parking lot of what had
actually once been a barn. She got her camera case from the mesh cargo
hold of her SUV, set the alarm, and went inside.
The barn was dark and smelled of old age, with rows of shelves, stacks of
magazines, boxes spilling over with the castoffs of castoffs. Cheap as dirt
and just waiting for Dani to turn them all into celebrities.

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