Pet: Genesis by Haley Inez EPUB & PDF

Pet: Genesis by Haley Inez EPUB & PDF

Pet: Genesis by Haley Inez EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Haley Inez
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I stare in confusion at the scraps that have been laid out before me. There’s
rotted fruit, a dead bird, and stale bread if you can call it that at this point in
its rotting cycle. My eyes travel up to Margot, who stands before me. Her
eyes are sunken and gaunt. Margot has been by my side since we met years
ago in this wasteland we now call home.

“This is it?” I ask, confused.
Margot nods her head grimly, her sunken gaze shifting to the scraps that
sit on the table. We both know this is not enough to feed both of us, let
alone the group of girls we have created to protect.
I punch the decaying couch, causing dirt to fly.

“Shit,” I curse aloud.
Our group of survivors consists of five girls, with me at the forefront as
the leader. Originally, we all lived in the forests, as it was deemed safer than
staying on the outskirts of the Leviathan cities. But it’s now become safer to
live in small ruins of our old society called “blights.” And seeing as we’re a
group of women and teens, it’s become a necessity for us to stay in groups.

It’s the only way we’ve been able to survive all these years.
I look back up at Margot. Her curly brown hair barely reaches her
shoulders, and I can see her bones jutting from beneath her skin. We are
literally starving to death out here. The Leviathan have been making their
moves, wiping out more places like this one. We’ve not only become
overrun with people fleeing the Leviathan authority but with diseases as
well. Survival is becoming more of a delusion as the weeks pass.

“Maybe we should leave the blight,” I say. Fear instantly clouds Margot’s
gray eyes.
Leaving can mean several things. We would have to scout new terrain,
fight off new strangers to claim our territory, risk being killed off one by
one, or worse—run into them. To this day, we do not know who or what
they are beyond their name. We know to stay away and to fear them. They
didn’t come in peace. They came to conquer. Their claim over our planet is
growing larger by the day. As a result, our chances of survival are

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