Pearl’s Fight by Jane Blythe EPUB & PDF

Pearl’s Fight by Jane Blythe EPUB & PDF

Pearl’s Fight by Jane Blythe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jane Blythe
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Military Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

April 12
10:47 P.M.
The last thing she wanted was to be up close and way too personal with a
bunch of sweaty drunks.
Clubs were not Pearl Smith’s idea of a good time.
At all.
Way too many people.

She didn’t like people.
Well, not one hundred percent true. She liked some people just fine. Her
three sisters, of course, she loved them to pieces. And her sister Ivory’s
boyfriend was slowly growing on her. She loved the people she worked with
at the world-renowned Prey Security, they were like part of her family.
But that was it.

No one else.
More often than not, people drove her crazy. Okay, that was probably
unfair. Her anger was her problem, not theirs, and even though she knew they
weren’t to blame for all the horrible things that had happened to her, she
couldn’t help it if they made her angry.

Pretty much the dominant emotion in her life.
Pearl was angry that she had been born to a mom addicted to drugs and
dumped in the foster care system at birth. Angry that she had been trafficked
when she was just a baby. Angry that she had been sold to a psychopath of a
man who had tortured her and her sisters and molded them into assassins.
Angry that even though she and her sisters had been saved, so many other
women and children weren’t as lucky. Angry that she’d been shot three
months ago and hadn’t been allowed to go back to work yet.

Angry that there were still six little girls out there from a shipment of
twelve abducted children that she and her team had been tracking when she’d
been shot. One of those girls had died, five had been returned to their
families, but six were still missing.

Whatever it took, she was going to find those six little girls.
Which was why she was here at the club. Wearing heels so high she was
surprised she hadn’t broken an ankle already, a skirt so short she was
practically giving the entire club a view of her panties, and a slinky, satiny
blouse that clung to her like a second skin. While she might not be overly big
in the breast department, from the way men were leering at her, you’d have
thought she was sporting a double D cup.
“Hey, sugar lips,” a man slurred as he dropped into the seat beside her at
the bar.

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