Pau Hana (PARADISE CRIME COZY MYSTERY #5) by Toby Neal EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Toby Neal
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Thriller / Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The first report of the girl in the window came in around noon on
Tuesday. It should have been straightforward: notify local authorities, police
show up and rescue the kidnapped child, bad guy goes off to jail. But it
didn’t go that way. Not by a long shot.
I would’ve remembered that Tuesday even without the girl in the
window, because that was the day we got a new neighbor. Leaving for my
job as postmaster that morning, I spied a moving van parked in the
driveway of a cul-de-sac near the entrance to what is now known as New
Ohia State Park.

Aunt Fae and I lived in a former model home in the planned subdivision
that’s now a state park. Terrazzo floors, ten-foot ceilings, stainless steel
everything in the kitchen—you get the idea. For a while we were the only
residents of the community and paid our rent by caretaking the park on
weekends and holidays. The other model homes sat empty and sad, pretty
seashells with no hermit crab to live in them.

I really wanted to check out who was moving in, but I didn’t want to be
late for work. In a government customer service job we got major grief for
the little things: being tardy, not smiling, or that all-encompassing beef,
“going postal.” Now that people could rate us online, it was tough to keep
the one-star ratings to a minimum.

I walked briskly out of the park and over to the postal building. Still
fumbling with my keys to the back door, I called Aunt Fae on my cell. “Did
you know someone was moving in down on Pikake Court?”

“There’s a moving truck there.”
“I’m on it,” Aunt Fae said immediately. “Needed to take my morning
pep step anyway.”

Normally I’m the private eye in the family. As a former Secret Service
agent, my daytime job is working as Ohia postmaster, and in my other time
I keep busy with a part-time investigation gig for Security Solutions, a firm
based in Honolulu. I also partner in K & K Investigations, my own little
company. One “K” is for me, Kat Smith, and the other “K” is for my
boyfriend, Pacific Wings pilot Keone Kaihale.

“Boyfriend” really isn’t the right designation for Mr. K, as I
affectionately call him. He’s no “boy” and we’re certainly more than
friends, but I’m not sure what to call our relationship dance—two steps
forward, one banana peel slip back? I’m new to the whole romance thing
and am trying to take things slow due to a touchphobia I developed as a
child. Mr. K makes that tough, though, because he’s so darn lovable and
looks like someone in the “Men of Hawaii” calendar the ABC Stores
publish every year.

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