Owned By the Fae (THE DARK REALMS #2) by Kyra Alessy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Kyra Alessy
- Language: English
- Genre: fantasy romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 5.6 MB
- Price: Free
It’s not fucking working.
In. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Out. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
In. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Out. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
I count my breaths. I’ve been at it for hours, I think. I try not to let any
other thoughts intrude. I haven’t forgotten where I am or how I got here.
But I can’t think about what’s happened.
Not yet. It’s too … inconceivable.
And yet, I should have seen it coming. I know better than to trust fae. At
least, I thought I did.
In. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Out. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
In. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
Out. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.
My eyes are closed because one glance up at the familiar white ceiling
of my room in Varrik’s keep, with all the cracks I memorized long ago, was
enough to make me vomit over the side of the bed earlier. It must still be
there on the floor.
The servants have come in pairs twice. Once to bring water and once to
set a plate of stale bread on the table in front of the empty hearth. I’ve
noticed that all of them have been fae so far rather than the pixies that
Varrik used to employ. No one else has come.
Not Varrik. Not Grith. Not The Cunty Betrayers.
Those three fucking fae! I can see them in my mind’s eye outside the
cave the morning after Grey and I … Kal’s angry eyes on me, Grey’s blank
face watching me and Varrik, Dane’s smirk and his hand wave as he
immediately took off the conjure that he’d worked on me so I couldn’t run
from them while they were bringing me to my unwitting ruin. He ripped it
out of me so abruptly that it stole the air form my lungs.
My breathing begins to quicken when I think of them, what they did,
what I let them do. My stomach rolls, and I think I’m going to wretch again.
I realize I’ve stopped counting.
I start again immediately, keeping my fear reined in as much as I can,
maintaining my tight control over the Harbinger. It’s harder now than it has
been since those first few months after the darkness was given to me by
Varrik, when I couldn’t sway its desire to destroy even a little.
Perhaps it’s being back in Varrik’s fold, so near to the camp where all
this began, that makes it impossible to forget that it’s inside me. Or, perhaps
it’s just closer to the surface than it has been for a while. I did use it for the
first time in almost a decade to destroy those orcs before they could kill
What a mistake that was.
Unbidden, a sob bubbles up from deep in my chest, and I abandon my
counting. It’s useless anyway. There’s no respite from this. An involuntary
tear tracks its way from the corner of my eye and into my hair even as I
steel myself to thoughts of them and their casual treachery.
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