Out of the Gate (GOLD RUSH RANCH #1.5) by Elsie Silver EPUB & PDF

Out of the Gate (GOLD RUSH RANCH #1.5) by Elsie Silver EPUB & PDF

Out of the Gate (GOLD RUSH RANCH #1.5) by Elsie Silver EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Elsie Silver
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I hit the hard dirt with a loud thud that echoes through my
bones. My teeth rattle at the impact and I feel a small rock
pressing into my right shoulder blade. I close my eyes and
groan at the sound of galloping hooves rumbling across the

Again. She tossed me again.
I’m a farm girl, we’re raised hardy. But good lord—my
eyes flutter shut—this filly is going to be the death of me. All
I want to do is spend my summer break away from
university, training my new project horse. I want to be the
one to sit on her for the first time, maybe walk around in a
small circle. My expectations are pretty low. But she is not
having it.

Footsteps approach and I still don’t open my eyes. I know
all the ranch hands think my project is a great joke and,
frankly, I don’t want to hear about it.

I’m probably fine. Bruised to hell and sore tomorrow, but
fine. Right now, if I don’t move, nothing hurts. So maybe I’ll
just stay here? Live out my life laying in the field.
A noisy sigh rushes past my lips as I take an inventory of
my aching body.

Toes and fingers still wiggle.
Head still turns side to side.
“You alive, Goldilocks?”
Heart stops beating.

Eyes squeeze shut even harder.
That voice. I’m pretty sure my blood stops pumping and
pools in my beet red cheeks.
“Coulda sworn I taught you better than that.”
My lungs empty painfully, all the air rushing out in a

Dermot Harding.
My heart slams back into action, rioting behind my ribs as
I lift my hands to scrub my face. Not wanting to even look at
him, because I know what I’ll see. The single most attractive
man I’ve ever known; older and out of my league. The man
I’ve spent the last three years trying to get over. The
childhood crush that I’ve never outgrown.

The man I’ve loved since I was a ten-year-old girl.
When I finally decide to pry my eyes open, he’s looking
down over me, blocking out the direct sun but wearing its
rays like a halo. Smirking.

My body melts into a pathetic, speechless puddle of a
love-struck girl right at his feet. I forget about my horse. I
forget where I am. I just stare at him, thinking that I could
probably just lay here under his glow and be happy.

And then the anger hits. Three long years. Not a letter. No
word. Nothing. I latch on to that feeling, knowing I’ll need it
to maintain my strength. That inner fire and fury will be the
only thing that keeps me from falling down the same rabbit
hole as before. I haven’t worked this hard at moving on to
end up there again.

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