Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! (OOPS!) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF

Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! (OOPS!) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF

Oops, I’m Having My Boss’s Twins! (OOPS!) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Holly Rayner
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

I’m Caleb Huxley. I am the best in the software security business.
It was the way Caleb began every meeting — with an internal reminder
to himself that he was already a success and that nothing that happened
now could ruin that. Whatever happened in this meeting, he had made his
name. These people, whoever they happened to be on any given day, were
here because they needed him. It had been a long time since it was the other
way around.

“You’d better get in there,” said his COO, Geraldine Banks. Geraldine was
a severe-looking woman in her early fifties, and Caleb both liked her and
respected her. He knew that she could be intimidating to people who didn’t
know her well. Sometimes she could even be intimidating to him.
Now she had her hands on her hips in her best power stance. “Rathford is
waiting,” she told him. “You don’t want to keep them waiting.”
No, he didn’t. He might be Caleb Huxley, but they were still Rathford. They
were the biggest medical software company in the world. If he could get
Rathford to adopt his security software, he could retire tomorrow. He would
have achieved everything he’d ever dreamed of.

He felt the usual tug of resistance at the idea of retiring tomorrow — but
after all, it wasn’t as if anyone was going to make him. They probably
wouldn’t even let it happen, he thought. This company couldn’t hope to get
by without him. Everyone knew that. Geraldine and the board of directors
were very competent, but Caleb Huxley was GuardTech.

He straightened his tie and went into the conference room, where the
representatives from Rathford were sitting around the table. He smiled at all
of them. “Gentlemen,” he said. “Thank you so much for your patience. Do
you have everything you need?”

“Your girl got us coffee already,” the man at the far end of the table said.
Caleb opened his mouth to respond — and froze.
He was drawing a blank. What was the man’s name?

There was no excuse for not knowing this. He had been preparing for the
Rathford pitch for weeks. He had gone over the documentation so many
times that he should have known all the details in his sleep. How could he
be sitting here in front of the president and CEO of Rathford and not know
the man’s name? It was on the tip of his tongue — but what was it? He felt
as if he was losing his mind.

He needed to cover for this mistake. He was Caleb Huxley. He was good at
smoothing things over. He was great at it! He didn’t need to remember little
details all the time. He could get through this moment.

Except that he couldn’t.
Everyone had noticed that something was wrong. Everyone was staring at

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