Oops, I Married The Wrong Brother! (OOPS!) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF

Oops, I Married The Wrong Brother! (OOPS!) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF

Oops, I Married The Wrong Brother! (OOPS!) by Holly Rayner EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Holly Rayner
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3 MB
  • Price: Free

Maisy took a slow, deep breath to calm her nerves. Then, mustering
all the resolve she had, she stepped through the double doors into
the banquet hall. As she did, all eyes turned to her and she caught a
quick glimpse of her parents and younger sister sitting at the main table,
along with the royal family. And her future husband.

Maisy dropped her gaze to the nearby tables and wove her way towards the
front of the room, smiling and nodding at each person she passed. The
tables were filled with both Americans and Aeniceans, all eager to celebrate
the impending royal wedding. They smiled at Maisy and she smiled back.
These were soon to be her people, even though that was hard to believe.
All of this was hard to believe, really, from the packed banquet hall to the
prince she was marrying to the gorgeous green satin gown that the family’s
stylists had picked out for the occasion.

Maisy continued across the room at a sedate pace, as though there was no
hurry in the world, before reaching her place at the head of the room. Her
seat was beside Prince Niko, her betrothed, at the center of the head table.
With carefully straight posture, Maisy took her seat.

“You look lovely today.” Niko smiled at her, but it looked a little thin. It
always did. Maisy could hardly blame him for being less than excited about
their wedding tomorrow, since neither of them had chosen this. Not really.

When their parents had suggested a wedding between the two families
almost five years ago, they’d both been in their early twenties, and marriage
had seemed like a far-off prospect. Plus, as Maisy’s parents had explained
to her, it was important to cement relations between the Carpenters, a
wealthy family of American industrialists with their fingers in all kinds of
pies, and the Galanises, the royal family of Aenicea and an important
partner in trade.

“Thank you.” Maisy smiled back and accepted the bowl of soup a passing
waiter placed in front of her with another quick, “Thanks.” Then she
returned her attention to Niko. “You look nice, too.”

It was true. Niko was very handsome — in fact, Maisy was pretty sure that
if you looked “classically good-looking” or “dashing” up in the dictionary,
you’d find a picture of Niko, brooding, in his royal sash. He had dark brown
hair that was always neat, dark brown eyes, tan skin, and was built like an
athlete — a leftover from his days playing soccer as a teenager. He also had
a brooding, solemn nature that many women found attractive, although it
wasn’t exactly Maisy’s style.

“What scintillating conversation.” Xander, Niko’s twin brother, leaned
across to join the exchange. He had Niko’s same “tall, dark, and handsome”
aesthetic, but where Niko wore a stately expression of polite interest,
Xander’s eyes always twinkled with a private joke or a daring scheme.

Xander was the younger brother (by two minutes), so would not inherit
Aenicea’s throne. He used the freedom that gave him to pursue women, fun,
and lack of responsibility, from what Maisy had seen.
“Thank you for your commentary, Xander.” Niko raised his eyebrows
warningly at his brother.

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