One Summer Knight by Melissa Naatz EPUB & PDF

One Summer Knight by Melissa Naatz EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Melissa Naatz
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.4 MB
  • Price: Free

“A toast to Bryce and Elise. May they find another twenty years of wedded
bliss!” a voice from the crowd called out.
A good wife would raise her glass without a thought. She wouldn’t
protest that it had only been nineteen years. She’d smile and pretend to be
happily married. A good wife would sell the lie. She wouldn’t let the cracks
show. That was what a good wife would do.
Too bad I was tired of being a good wife.

“It’s nineteen years,” I corrected and swallowed the bitter champagne in
a breathless gulp. If I had to pretend to be happily married, it would be
easier if I were drunk.
“What’s your secret?” an obnoxious voice called from the crowd. It
belonged to Todd, one of my husband Bryce’s pretentious golf associates
and fellow shitty husband.
“Lots of drinking,” I said, reaching past my beloved husband for the
bottle of champagne.

“She jokes.” Bryce pushed the bottle out of my reach and pulled me
closer. I knew what was next, some rehearsed line he had pulled from the
Shitty Husband Manual. A manual scratched across the walls of every
men’s bathroom from here to Italy. “I think, no, we know a strong marriage
is based on give and take. It’s remembering that no matter what life throws
at you, you always have each other’s back. Right, sweetheart?”

I didn’t know whose secret that was, but it certainly wasn’t ours. Our
marriage was not about give and take or supporting each other. Our
marriage had evolved into a disastrous mix of infidelity, lies, and marble
countertops. “Is that what our secret is? And here I thought it was me being
a loving and supportive wife in all your endeavors. Even those I’m not
supposed to know about.” I refilled my glass. “But we’ll go with give and
take. Cheers.”

“That’s my Elise. Always the comedian.” Bryce took the glass out of
my hand and whispered, “You’ve had enough champagne.”
“You’re right. I should switch to something stronger.” To those
watching, we were Elise and Bryce, the perfect couple. We had the perfect
marriage, the perfect son, and a house in the perfect neighborhood. A
perfect husband for a perfect wife. A perfect lie for everyone to see.

I picked a brunette hair off his jacket. I hadn’t been that color since
college. “How is Abby?” She had been his latest endeavor.
“Don’t start, Elise. We’re supposed to be celebrating our love for each
other.” He tipped my chin up and kissed me on the lips.

Those around us whistled and cheered at the seemingly loving gesture. I
pulled away, smiling for those watching. “If you ever do that again, I’ll
punch you in the face,” I whispered.

Bryce’s expression never changed as he turned to his audience. “Please
enjoy the food and open bar. My wife and I have something to take care of.”
Bryce winked at the guests as he grabbed my elbow, dragging me away
from the crowd. “Why are you such a bitch?”

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