One Summer by Lexi Buchanan EPUB & PDF

One Summer by Lexi Buchanan EPUB & PDF

One Summer by Lexi Buchanan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Lexi Buchanan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Auntie Mack, are we there yet?”
I look in the rear-view mirror, and see my nephew, Lucas, becoming
increasingly restless. It makes me smile. Even after just thirty minutes, the
“are we there yet?” inquiries have begun. “Not just yet, but we shouldn’t be
too far off. I promise.”

He lets out a dramatic sigh before staring out of the window.
I pretend not to be amused while at the same time my heart is warming
up to the thought of him. Since the moment my sister gave birth to him, he
has always held a special place in my heart; now he is six years old and full
of mischief. Because his mother Melinda and father Daniel have a flight to
Europe scheduled for later in the day, Lucas had opted to spend some time
with me in Cape Elizabeth.

I’ve been working for most of my life, and this past spring, I treated
myself to a summer rental by splurging on Rose Cottage.
My parents, who are matchmakers and want to see me married with a
child of my own, will definitely be surprised by this new development. I’m
only in my twenties, so I have no clue what all the fuss is about when it
comes to this topic.

My train of thought is once again interrupted by a long, heavy sigh
coming from the backseat. I am prepared for what is to come…
Three… Two… One…

“Are you sure that we haven’t arrived yet?” Again, Lucas inquires while
wriggling his fingers.

As I respond to Lucas, my amused lips twitch slightly as I say, “Lucas,
we’ll be there soon. You have a lot of books, so why don’t you read one of

“I’m sorry, Auntie Mack, but my books are dull. Could I have one of
yours to read?” The very idea of it makes him so giddy that he practically
jumps up and down in his seat.

“My books are intended for adults, and as such, they do not contain any
illustrations.” It is a relief to know that my books are safely tucked away in
the trunk, where Lucas cannot access them.

“Daddy told mommy that she would learn a lot more if she read the kind
of books you read rather than the dull magazines that she currently reads. I
like to learn,” Lucas says with his ‘cute’ face.

When Lucas gives me that look, I have never been able to keep
anything from him, so my eyes start to fill with amusement. He is obviously
hoping that I will give in to his demands and allow him to root around in
the box containing my belongings.

The more I think about it, the more
embarrassed I become, and I start to wonder what kind of books Daniel
thinks I read. “You can’t read them unless you’re an adult, Lucas. If you’re
getting tired of yours, I’ll gladly buy you some new ones once we arrive at
our destination.”

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