One Night with the CEO (CEO #10) by Emily Hayes EPUB & PDF

One Night with the CEO (CEO #10) by Emily Hayes EPUB & PDF

One Night with the CEO (CEO #10) by Emily Hayes EPUB & PDF– eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Emily Hayes
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.7 MB
  • Price: Free

Genevieve Mitchell trudged out of the office. She made
an effort to smile at her employees and congratulate
them on their good work. This wasn’t their fault. They
had all performed excellently, as usual. No, this was
Genevieve’s blunder. She had really hoped that they would be
able to work out a deal with this potential new client, but in
the end, it hadn’t worked out.

He would have been a huge asset to Wisdom Investments,
and thus was entitled to some concessions in order to draw
him in. However, he was simply asking for too much. If
Genevieve had agreed to his terms, it would have taken five
years for them to start making real profit from his portfolio,
and who’s to say he wouldn’t have moved to another
company by then?

As much as she regretted not being able to land the deal,
Genevieve hadn’t worked her way up to CEO of her father’s
company by taking stupid risks. Calculated risks, yes, but
this one would have been foolish.

Her phone started ringing. Genevieve grimaced, knowing
who it would be. Her father knew about the meeting and
would be eager to hear how it went. Genevieve let the call go
to voice mail. She would deal with her father’s
disappointment later.

He would encourage her, to be sure, but that wouldn’t
take away from the invisible but real pressure he put on
Genevieve to excel in her field.

That pressure had made her into a better CEO, and she
didn’t resent him for it, but it did make dealing with her
family difficult at times.

Genevieve was halfway home when she decided that she
didn’t want to go home to her sad, empty apartment and
wallow in her own failure.

She hadn’t gotten laid in a while, as busy as she had been
trying to work this deal. It was a perfect night to resolve that.
She headed to a local bar, Lix Club- an exclusive women’s
only club which was one of her favorites for picking up
women. There was a lot more to Lix Club, there were private
rooms and a pool and a dungeon where you could play, but
none of that was Genevieve’s style.

She preferred to pick up
women there and take them elsewhere. Genevieve got a drink
the moment she sat down and drained it before ordering
another that she sipped at a more sedate pace.

She let her eyes rove over the semi-darkened room. There
were several possibilities. Her gaze snagged on a tall, pale
woman with dark hair that framed her heart-shaped face
perfectly, hanging just to her shoulders.

Genevieve felt her mouth popping open. She was probably
the most attractive woman Genevieve had ever seen. She
knew she was staring like an idiot and forced her eyes back
to her drink in case the woman looked over. She looked much
younger than Genevieve herself, but then that was
Genevieve’s thing- hot younger women.

As she sipped on her drink, Genevieve surveyed the
woman from beneath her lashes, trying to determine from
her behavior if she was even gay. If she wasn’t, that would

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