One More Kiss by Terri Anne Browning EPUB & PDF

One More Kiss by Terri Anne Browning EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Terri Anne Browning
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

What was more annoying than the blare of a five a.m. alarm
clock on a Saturday morning?
Nicole’s laugh.
I didn’t open my eyes as I reached out to turn off the
noise, my head already pounding. After spending the
previous day fighting nausea and nearly passing out in the
middle of work, I’d attempted to go to bed early. It had been
in vain because all I’d done was toss and turn until sometime
around one when I’d heard a helicopter on the roof.

Knowing my father and Nash had returned, earlier than
anticipated, I’d lain in bed watching the door—silently
willing it to open and for Nash to walk in. He hadn’t. Any
hope that he’d cut his trip short because he was concerned
about me died a slow and painful death with each passing
minute. I’d fallen asleep around three thirty, exhaustion
finally putting me out of my misery.

Once the room was silent again, I groaned as I threw my
legs over the side of the bed. I felt like I had a hangover, but I
hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol, not even the glass of wine
I’d been so tempted to toss back in one gulp at dinner. Nicole
had been more irritating than usual, but it could have just
been me.

Finding out I was pregnant had kind of thrown me offkilter. Not seeing Nash for two weeks had been bad enough.
Now, I had to tell my secret lover that my birth control had
failed and we were going to be parents in seven months.
Nausea roiled in my stomach, but I wasn’t sure if it was
morning sickness or the thought of how Nash would react to
becoming a father.

Slowly, I got to my feet. Stef had advised me going from
lying down to sitting to standing should be approached with
caution. Not only would it help with any sudden motion
sickness, but it would also help to avoid issues with my blood
pressure. If anyone would know, it would be Stef. He was the
best OB-GYN in Vegas.

Lucky for me, he and Sam had been walking through the
lobby on their way up to the restaurant on the third floor
when I’d had my dizzy spell. They both helped me up to my
suite, where Stef gave me a full exam before concluding that
I was pregnant. Which he then confirmed by sending Sam to
pick up a test at the pharmacy.

Sam had screamed and danced around my bathroom in
excitement as the stick trembled in my hand. I was glad
someone was excited. Maybe I would have been too if I
weren’t so worried about how Nash would react.

A shower left me more alert but no less queasy. I was still
putting in an earring as I stepped into the elevator. Out of
the nearly three hundred hotels in Vegas, my family’s resort
was in the top five most successful. My grandfather, along
with Nash’s, had built up the Royal Phoenix from a small
casino with two hundred rooms into a multibillion-dollar

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